Chapter 25- Hazel

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  • Dedicated to My Awesome Aunt

Okay, so now I'm back from my 'vacation', I will be updating more often and the updates will be longer, if possible, depending on writers block. I now have three stories to manage, which is fun, but a lot of responsibility.

I have a lot of news to share, so I apologize in advance for the longer than usual authors note.

I will be writing the fifth book after the house of hades comes out.

This is ending soon, and I will not write a second book, and unfortunately I will end at a cliffhanger (hopefully worthy of Rick Riordan)

When this ends, I will bring out my next original story, Shattered Glass. I will be posting the first chapter soon, as I have it almost ready to go, and if people like it I will keep on updating.

The Fairy Tail fan fic I am writing will probably be a trilogy, The Dark Keys. First book The Celestial Dragon. Second book The Divine Earthborn. Third book The Heavenly Serpent

LWBD will have a sequel, but after I finish it I will not post the sequel until after like two months, because I will be having many things to do.

Shattered Glass will most probably not have a sequel. Not much to it, I don't think I can carry it on.

I'll post the first chapter of Shattered Glass tomorrow maybe day after, wait till HoH is complete and then post the second chapter if I get good reviews.

So, I have a lot to worry about, so try not to get too mad at me for not updating.


Hazel XXV

Frank looked adorable in his sleep.

"WAKE UP!" Hazel yelled, making Frank fall of the couch.

"What was that for?" Frank asked, rubbing his head and pouting.

Hazel tried her best not to smile. "Sorry, you have to get up, I thought of a plan."

Frank continued to grumble but made his way to the table, where breakfast was waiting.

"I've already showered and eaten, and I'm ready to go." Hazel said. Frank looked at her for the first time when he was fully awake, and spit out the coffee he was drinking.

"Are those my clothes?" He asked.

Hazel's face flushed. "I'm sorry, I didn't have anything else to wear. I washed my clothes and they're drying, I'll change back as soon as they dry."

"No, no, it's fine. I was just....surprised." Frank said, munching on the toast. "So, what's your plan?"

"I did some scouting and found a map." Hazel said, laying the stained map on the table. It had been quite crumbled up when she found it, and she had done her best job to straighten it out, but it still curled up around the edges. "This place is incredibly small, only four villages. There's a cemetery and a park, and some other things too. There seems to be a pass out by the cemetery, but it's marked in red, perhaps because there are monsters, or maybe the place is dangerous itself. Regardless, there seems to be no other way to the passage out, and there is no other passage. This place has a thick border around it, probably and enchanted wall or something that keeps us from leaving. It thins out where I think the passage is so it's worth a shot."

"You did a lot of work." Frank had finished his toast and was now sipping coffee. "That was amazing."

Hazel flipped her hair out of her face. "Thanks."

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