Chapter 28- Annabeth

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  • Dedicated to Cliffhangers! >:D

Okay so last chapter and then no more House of Hades!

I’ve enjoyed writing this book so much that it’s hard to imagine not updating, but the actual House of Hades is coming out soon, and I don’t want to be in the middle of a book when it’s out because it’ll be unfinished and I hate leaving something unfinished.

So if you really like my writing, check out these books:

Lost World Beyond Dreams –I haven’t been updating that because I’ve lost inspiration….

Fairy Tail- The Dark Keys- The Celestial Dragon –New update soon!

Shattered Glass –Coming soon! I’ll post it in a while, just have to update some things and yeah.

If you find a bunch of gibberish beside a sentence it’s a glitch with mu computer it randomly starts typing somewhere else and so sometimes I forget to erase it.

That’s all I think, and I definitely will miss you guys and I hope you don’t stop being my fan.


Annabeth XXVIII

Percy was going crazy.

Annabeth had woken up a good half hour ago, and Percy was tossing and turning, and mumbling in his sleep.  Somehow, Percy managed to rip part of his pants and now his right knee and below was completely open.

But that wasn’t what scared Annabeth most.

A large cut had just appeared on Percy’s stomach, even though Annabeth had been watching Percy the entire time. It had just appeared, and Percy was losing a lot of blood. Annabeth had tried cleaning it up but it just kept flowing.

It was like his dream was becoming reality, and that wasn’t possible, at least Annabeth’s logical side told her it wasn’t. The skin on his hands was ripped, like he had scraped it on rock. It wasn’t bleeding that badly, and Annabeth didn’t pay much attention.

She took out a cloth from the backpack and gently pressed it on Percy’s stomach, absorbing the blood. Within a minute, the cloth had turned crimson red, filled with Percy’s blood.

Finally, Percy seemed to be waking up, and the cuts and bruises disappeared. The cloth turned white again, the crimson red disappeared like it hadn’t been there in the first place. Annabeth’s fingertips, which had been stained with blood, were now her normal skin colour. It was like nothing ever happened.

It wasn’t Percy who was going crazy, it was Annabeth.

Annabeth shook her head and tried to forget what had happened, and put away the cloth. She took out the food and began to eat, thinking that it was the hunger that made her weak and hallucinate. Perhaps the hallucinations were what the note had been warning her about.

In her heart, she knew that wasn’t it.

“Annabeth? Are you okay?” Percy asked, joining her.

“I’m fine.” Annabeth replied, handing him some food.

“You’re pale. What happened, was it a dream, did someone show up…?” Percy asked, scanning her face.

“Don’t worry about it.” Annabeth finished the food and took out the note to study it again. Three hours should have passed; they would have to take the chance regardless.

“We’re so close.” Percy murmured, also looking at the note. “Let’s hurry and get to the other side soon.”

Annabeth nodded and packed up, ready to go. Percy was at her side, and Annabeth noticed he was still studying her in hopes of learning what happened.

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