Chapter 15- Piper

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Is one week good enough?

Sorry, I am doing EQAO and my relative came over and other stuff as well. I want to watch anime. You know how much I'm sacrificing for you? An entire hour I could have watched anime. Yes. It takes me up to an hour to make one chapter, sometimes, even more. Actually most of the time, much much more.



I have decided to update every Tuesday (if possible) as my dad comes home late on Tuesdays and I can have the computer till then.

Read Ender's Game. I heard the movie is coming out too.



Piper XV

There was absolute silence after Piper finished explaining.

"There's only three of us left. I think maybe Gaea's plan is to split us all up." Jason said.

"Well we have to find everyone and get the seven back together." Piper replied, clenching her fist.

"It'll be fine." Thalia said. She was clearly shaken up, and was doing her best to hide it.

"Where is Hazel?" Nico asked. "And Frank" He quickly added.

"According to the info we have, they are together somewhere, and they are part of a game of some sort." Jessica answered.

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Too bad."

Piper sighed, and looked at Katoptris. It was their only option now, but Piper wasn't sure the detail they got was going to be helpful. Piper was tired of looking into an inconclusive future. Maybe it was better that way, but if something was going to happen, knowing would be nice.

Jason waved his hand infront of Piper's face. She blinked and looked up.

"What are you thinking about?" Jason asked.

"How do you know I'm thinking?" Piper asked back.

"Because I know you."

Piper smiled and replied "Katoptris."

"You're a genius."

"I know."

"Katoptris? Isn't that the name of your dagger?" Thalia asked.

Piper nodded. "It's got the power to show me things in the future, or the past, or what is going on somewhere else. It's not always helpful, but it always has to do with me.

"Useful." Jessica commented.

"Not always." Piper mumbled.


"Nothing" Piper sighed. She took out Katoptris and held it out so everyone could see. Everyone huddled around.

Piper closed her eyes and concentrated, and when she opened them a vision appeared in the blade of her dagger.

Frank and Hazel were back to back, holding out their weapons. Monsters of every sort surronded them. Suddenly, a figure appeared and snapped his fingers, and all the mosters dissapeared into thin air.

The figure aproached them, and everything seemed to be on mute. There was no sound to be heard. The figure wore a thick black hooded cloak. 

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