Chapter 12- Nico

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Hey everyone!!!! 1,285 reads, 14 votes and 16 comments!!!!!! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you all! EVERYONE IS EPIC! Go ahead and give yourselves a HUGE round of applause. Go ahead. Do it now.

So now finally you find out what happened to Piper, Frank, Leo, and Jason. I chose those four demigods for a reason you know that. I couldn't torture Nico anymore, Coach is just Coach, Jessica isn't that important, and Hazel is the only one who'd fit in for the next part.

Hmm today I recommend reading....Savvy!!!!

Disclaimer: Not RR! Not a brilliant author! Jeez you should know that by now.....


Nico XII

Nico's head hurt like crazy. The Argo II was still falling and the demigods hadn't returned yet. Hazel was watching the ship in concern and Jessica looked around. Jessica and Hazel had helped Nico into a sitting position so he could see what was happening.

The ship was only a few feet from the ground when Hazel stepped forward. "We have to help them" Hazel said.

"Levesque! You aren't going anywhere!" Coach yelled.

"But they'll die!" Hazel protested.

"What can you do to help them? If you go you'll die too!" Coach was worried, which was certainly not like him.

Hazel looked like she wanted to protest, but there was nothing she could say. Instead she watched the ship.

The Argo II smashed into the ground and the impact was so powerful it almost knocked the demigods and Coach of thier feet.

After the smoke cleared, Nico saw the Argo II. One half was still pretty much there but the other had compltely been destroyed. Pieces of wood and metal were scattered all around it. The beautiful ship was now in ruins and Nico knew there was no way that they could fix the ship in less then a month and still make it to the Doors of Death.

"This can't be happening!" Hazel cried. She ran to the ruins and looked for the demigods. Nico forced himself up and limped after her.

"Oye! Where do you think you're going? Get back here di Angelo!" Coach yelled after him.

Nico ingnored Coach and the pain that made him want to collapse and continued forward. He could barely make out the features of the ship inside.

Nico went further in to the ship and recognized the engine room. He found Frank and Leo on the floor close to the engine. Not far from there he found Jason and Piper. They must have tried to escape.

"I found them!" Nico yelled.

A few moments later Hazel, Jessica and Coach burst in to the room(or what was left of it anyway).

Nico helped Hazel check on Leo and Frank while Jessica and Coach examined on Jason and Piper. 

They got them outside after multiple trips and now Coach was trying to heal them with his nature magic.

"What if they lost thier memory? What if they're seriously injured and can't fight anymore? What if they're....." Hazel trailed off.

"Nothing will happen! They'll be just fine." Nico replied assuringly. But he knew he was only trying to convince himself.

"Piper's coming around!" Jessica yelled. Everyone ran to her and watched as she opened her eyes.

"My head!" Piper groaned. Then she blinked and looked around. "What...what happened?"

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