Chapter 26- Percy

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OMG, when you search up the house of hades, i'm on page three, and I'm seventh. SEVENTH! Omg, thank you thank you thank you all so much, i cannot thank you enough, with so many friends and supporters, I just love you all. This story has  2,943 reads, 52 votes, 37 comments (last i checked). I love you all, thank you so much.

The only thing that makes me slightly dissapointed is that i'm not getting any many votes or comments. If it's not too much to ask, I'd love if you told me how my writing is, and if I've improved or not, in a comment, or inbox, feel free. Voting doesn't take long either, so please.

As a reader myself, i love to give people feedback and tell them how i feel about the book, and vote to show my appreciation.

All the same, I love you all, silent reader or not.


Percy XXVI

Percy didn't know what was going on, and who was helping them, but Annabeth seemed to be okay with it. Percy told her not to trust the letter, as it could be a trap, but Annabeth believed it.

"Please, Annabeth, trust me, I have a really bad feeling about this." Percy said.

"Come on, Percy. I feel it. This letter will help us." Annabeth said, not convinced. Her eyes were shining, and she looked genrerally happy.

With the letter, there was a thermos with food and a bottle of nectar. 

"Why so happy?" Percy asked, taking the thermos. If someone was offering food, Percy wasn't going to refuse, but he still didn't trust the person sending the letters.

"I recognize the writing, Percy." Annabeth said softly.

"Who?" Percy asked. 


Percy's heart fell. He felt a pang of jealousy, but swallowed it, along with the cold but delicous spaghetti. 

Annabeth noticed the look on Percy's face, and suddenly seemed to regret it. "I'm sorry, and it's probably too much to hope anyway." 

"No, it's fine." Percy replied coldly.

"I'm really sorry."

Percy pretty much lost his appetite, which was rare, because Percy got always eat. He pushed away the thermos and said, "I'm going for a walk."

Annabeth reached out to stop him, but Percy continued to walk. 

Percy noticed the shine in her eyes, and how much hopeful she had become. If Annabeth was still into Luke, why was she even his girlfriend?

Percy couldn't help think these thoughts, and so many what ifs? were running through his mind. He finally turned around, thinking of his happiest memory with Annabeth, arriving at where they had made a temorary camp.

Annabeth was still there, looking sullen and regretful.

"Sorry, Annabeth." Percy said, sitting down beside her. She just shook her head, and continued to stare at the ground thoughtfully.

"I have to ask you a question." Percy said, after a long and silent moment.

Annabeth looked up and nodded, signalling for him to continue.

"Do you love Luke?" Percy asked, loud and clear.

Annabeth stood up, her hair covering her eyes. "I don't want to answer that question, if that's fine."

"Tell me Annabeth! I need to know, if we are to continue." Percy said, a little harshly.

"To continue what?" Annabeth asked, still not looking up.

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