Chapter 7- Jason

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Hello! If I get 500 reads then I'll post an EXTRA long chapter! Also vote and comment! I want to know if I am good or if I stink. Ok so now you will find out what happened to Piper and Jessica and some romance with Nico (very little though) will be involved. Also I will attempt a Jiper. On with the chapter.

Disclaimer: I am not a man, not Rick Riordan, and as much as I'd like to, I don't own any characters. *SOB*

GASP!!! I almost forgot to write this:

Caterpillars! (The caterpillars would be very disappointed in me *lowers head in shame*)

Jason VII

Jason, felt the pain travel through his body. It was very intense, a searing pain that  never seemed to stop. It left Jason wincing, and twisting and turning, as much as he could in his broken state anyway. 

The pain wasn't from the wound alone. His heart felt heavy, dread keeping his spirit down, and no hope in his dull and glazed over eyes. He felt so broken without Piper, it was like she took part of his heart with her. 

Coach had already told him what happened, a noble sacrifice, a noble girl. Jason only talked to Coach, he just couldn't bring himself to talk to anyone else.

He barely noticed as Coach walked into the room.

"Hey kid, have some soup, it'll heal you." Coach said putting the bowl of soup on his night table.

"No thanks, Coach. I'm not hungry." Jason replied, staring out the window.

With a great deal of effort, and despite the satyr's protests, Jason got up and climbed the stairs to the Mess Hall. Nico gave an sympathetic smile and Jason nodded back.

Hazel and Frank were talking quietly on the couch, so Jason went up to the main deck. "Leo, can we lower down and look for Piper?" Jason asked, walking up to him.

"I don't know if we risk a landing, I don't know if we can get back up then. We need more materials to get up." Leo replied. He looked sullen too but he was trying to concentrate on the Archimedes sphere scroll.

A whir of creaks and grunts emitted from Festus, startling Jason. "Looks like there is an island nearby and it has all the materials we need to get up again. It's your lucky day Lightning boy" Leo said, trying to lift the mood. 

"Hi" Jason said glumly, plopping into the seat next to Nico, who had come up to the main deck, or upper deck, whatever you wanted to call it.

"Jason, I can feel that Piper is not dead." Nico said. Jason perked up immediately.

"Really?" He asked. Nico nodded slightly, his gaze set on the horizon.

"We are landing in ten minutes. Please come to the upper decks." Leo's voice came over the intercom. Frank, Hazel, and Coach came up onto deck.

"Why are we landing?" Hazel asked.

"Well Jason wanted to look for Piper, so I couldn't say no." Leo said, casting Jason a mischevious glance.

Jason just rolled his eyes, not in the mood for jokes. "Tell them the real reason"

"Just trying to lighten up the mood, man! Lighten' up!" Leo exclaimed, although he looked the opposite of what he was saying. Jason noticed how big of a toll the entire quest had taken on him. He had dark circles under his bloodshot eyes, his hands shaking slightly, probably from something Leo had used to keep himself away (coffee!?) "We need some more things for the ship."

"Do you need help?" Hazel asked.

"That would be nice." Leo told everyone what to look for while Jason walked over to the railings and glanced down below at the Island.

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