Chapter 19- Frank

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Um, I'm kinda scared because of the last chapter...

This Author's note will be short...


*gulps loudly*


Frank XIX

Hazel stepped into the room and looked around carefuly. When she saw nothing, she relaxed a little, but got concerned when she looked at Frank.

"What's wrong?" Hazel asked.

"This house...I-it's an exact replica of my house in Canada." Frank stuttered.

Hazel noticed he was right. Everyting seemed to be just like before the cyclopes had destroyed it.

Frank plopped onto a chair and buried his face in his hands. He was reminded of so many memories when he looked around.

"Don't let it get to you. Gaea's just toying with you." Hazel said, a comforting look in her eyes.

"I know's hard." Frank said shakily.

"You okay?" She asked, sitting next to him.

Frank looked up. "No, I'm not okay! We don't even get time to breathe. The life of a demigod is so hard, and you have to make so many sacrafices. It's not fair! I'm done with this life. I don't want to be a demigod."

Hazel placed a warm hand on his shoulder. "No one wants to be a demigod, or make sacrafices. But it's not like we have a choice." She whispered.

Curse the gods. Curse everything. Frank hated everything so much right now. He missed his mother and his grandmother so much. Frank began to shake. It was too much for him.

"Hey, Frank. Don't forget that we are all here for you, okay? We will fight for each other and soon it'll be all over. We'll win. And through that entire time I promise I'll be right by your side. You have me. Don't you ever forget that." Hazel said.

Frank wasn't able to reply, but he wanted to let Hazel know how much she meant to him. He began to tear up, and that one time he cried.

He cried for Percy and Annabeth, he cried for the other seven, he cried for his family. He let it all out, and Hazel was right there, just like she promised, holding him close, comforting him.

Frank didn't know when, but eventually he fell asleep.

He dreamt of the the perfect world, one where he could be with Hazel and the other seven demigods forever. His mother and grandmother weren't dead and it was perfect.

Untill Gaea came.

She destroyed everything, not sparing a single soul. Frank saw himself fighting, but he had no chance. The mosters were overwhelming him. some of the demigods had died already, and some were barely hanging onto the edge of a cliff.

"Everything will be like you see now, son of Mars. Total chaos, total destruction. Everything will be gone, forever." Gaea's taunting voice rang through the air.

"Frank!" Hazel screamed.

"Hazel!" Frank ran to the edge and caught her hand, just as she was about to fall. Her hand was slipping fast though, and as tired and wounded as Frank was, he didn't think he could hod on much longer.

Hazel's hand slipped.

"Hazel!" Frank yelled.

"Frank!" Hazel called back. She disappeared into the darkness.

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