Chapter 6- Percy

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Hey what's up? Always remember to vote and comment or else I will stop posting. Yay! I completed a round! I am also thinking that maybe I shouldn't do rounds and do whatever just fits in next. What do you think? Hmm......... I feel thoughtful ^-^( I am obsessed with that face!)

Disclaimer: I will not say this a billion times, I AM NOT A MAN! (that means I am not RR)


Percy VI

Percy's feet ached and his arms were getting tired, as he carried Annabeth further through Tartarus. He had been walking for atleast two hours, or maybe more because time passed differently in magical places.

Percy knew one thing for sure, he was dead tired.

Finally, he found a small opening in the rocky mountain they were walking across, and crouched in, placing Annabeth down. Percy bit his tounge to keep himself from crying aloud as he examined Annabeth's wounds.

Sighing softly, he pulled out the last of the Ambrosia and fed it to Annabeth, again forcing her to chew and swallow. It seemed he was always in this kind of situation.

Annabeth's eyes fluttered open, and she took shallow breaths. Finally becoming aware of the situation, her eyes widened. "What? Where?" She paused. "Where are we?" Annabeth asked.

"Safe, anyway. How do you feel?" Percy asked.

"Better. Did you give me Ambrosia?" Annabeth asked, her eyes travelling to the empty baggie in Percy's hand.

"Do you know how bad you were hurt?" Percy asked back, her wounds flashing through his mind.

"Did you have any?" Annabeth asked, completely ignoring his question.

"We have to get moving, we can't afford to rest." Percy said, acting as if he didn't even hear her question. "Some monsters might catch up."

"Percy, did you eat Ambrosia?" Annabeth asked again, but this time more firmly.

Percy sighed. He didn't want to lie to Annabeth, she'd see right through it anyway. But he didn't want to make Annabeth worry unnecessarily, so he was in quite a pickle, as they'd say. He finally mumbled a soft "No."

"Percy, you idiot! We don't have anymore left and have you looked at yourself lately? You are going to run out of energy and your wounds will start effecting you!" Annabeth muttered some more curses then stood up, running her hand through her hair and muttering to herself. 

"Forget about that, how do we get to the Doors of Death?" Percy asked, changing the subject to avoid an argument.

"I don't know!" Annabeth exclaimed, exasperated. "I assume it will be in the furthest and most isolated part of Tartarus."

"So basically we keep walking around 'till we see something or learn something." Percy asked.

Annabeth didn't reply. They kept walking forward, hand in hand. There were screams of horror still trying to consume his mind with madness, but it was more like background music now that he had gotten used to it.

The rocky terrain evened out to what seemed to be an endless path. Over the horizon, he could barely make out a smudge of black, that dissolved into the gloomy grey sky. The sky had streaks of red in it, like even the sky was at war. Blood decorated everything as far as Percy could see, like a three year old had flicked red paint onto the canvas known as Tartarus.  As he stared at the blood, he could almost see the demigod or human dying in front of him, screaming in pain and yelling for someone to help the,, someone who would never come. 

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