Chapter 17- Annabeth

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I'm mad. Look when I tell you to do something, I mean it. I have two reads on my original story! TWO!

Plz take a look, comment or whatever else. It will get interesting it's just the first chapter. Thank you for whoever took a look.

SHOUTOUT to ilovepinecone, always there for me! You know why I keep on writing, your awesome comments. I just wanna let you know you are appreciated. Keep on keeping on!

So let's see, what POV is this again? Oh ya, Annabeth. We need a Tartarus chapter. There hasn't been one for like ages.  (You may thank me now. XD)

I haven't watched anime for three days! Wow, I'm proud.

I should get on with the chapter. I have a task for you, more info at the end.

Read a book. I don't have a book for you this time. Just read.


Annabeth XVI

Annabeth was picked up by a cyclopse and dragged along a long hallway. She was in a great deal of pain, but did not let herself show it, for Percy.

Percy was also picked up and dragged along. He looked ready for anything, and if he was scared, he did not show it. But that was pretty much what leaders had to do. No showing your emotions, you can't let anyone know how you feel.

She was thrown on the ground, and this time she couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"Annabeth!" Percy yelled.

Annabeth found herself unable to reply. She heard large footsteps coming forward.

"Percy Jackson." Gaea said smirking. "Annabeth Chase is enjoying my little session."

She was sucked into a vision.

Annabeth was backed up against a wall, weaponless. Spiders were slowly advancing towards her, making her cringe into the corner. She started to shake as they got closer.

"Annabeth Chase." Archane's voice boomed in the air.

She looked up, momentairily forgetting about the spiders.

"I will find you!" Archane said. "I will find you." The spiders started to crawl up her, suffocating her. She shook them off but there was just too many. She screamed as one bit her, causing extreme pain.

Annabeth jolted up, breathing heavily. Just a dream. She sighed in relief, then looked around carefully. She noticed she was back in the prison from earlier.

"Percy?" She called softly.

No answer.

Annabeth was alone. And Percy was facing Gaea by himself. She got up, and realized her wounds were gone. What had happened?

She walked up to the guard without pain.

"What happend to me?" She asked.

The guard did not reply.

Annabeth could expect no help from this guy. She turned around, sighing. There was a small blanket in the corner, perhaps a gift.

But who was helping her?

She picked up the blanket, and immediealty noticed it was very well bound together, she could not rip it. Then, Annabeth had an idea.

She quietly walked up to the guard who was facing the other way. Annabeth tied one end of the blanket to one of the rods of the prison.

Annabeth knew when the guard didn't reply he had been sleeping. He was breathing steadily, and Annabeth was able to slip the blanket around his waist and tie the other end other to the same rod, tightly.

Now the guard was stuck to the prison wall. She reached her hand for his knife, and slowly unsheathed it. It made no noise, luckily, and in a few moments Annabeth had the long, slender blade.

She held out the blade to where the keys were, hanging against the wall. The keys slipped on, without a noise. She pulled it closer to her, trying to keep her hand steady.

Finally she had the keys in her hand. She strapped the dagger to her belt and opened  the door as silently as she could. Then, she untied the guard, and pushed him into the prison, leaning him against the wall so he wouldn't wake up. She locked the door, and kept the blanket, which she tied around her waist.

Annabeth couldn't believe this had been so easy. She turned away, when she heard something slide down. Annabeth looked back to see the guard slipping. He clanged against the floor and woke up. He looked around, amd saw what had happened.

"HEY! HOW DID YOU DO THIS?" He yelled.

Unfortunatly, his yell attracted some guards.

Annabeth slayed them easily, and threw them into empty cells so they couldn't attack her when they reformed.

She walked silently along, holding her new dagger out. She approached a door, and opened it hesitantly. It happened to be a storage room.

Luck was definately on Annabeth's side today. Maybe the gods were feeling helpful.

Annabeth found her backpack and stuffed all the resources she could into it, taking out the useless stuff. She found another bag, which she also stuffed.

Annabeth held her own dagger in her hand now. She kept the guard's dagger, as it was long and she could use for something. She crept along the hallway.

"Annabeth Chase." Something said behind her. "I'm Psychi, and I will be returning you to your prison."


Lol XD! CLIFFY. I am so happy. I made Annabeth be all heroish.

Check out my original story, I remind you again.

Plz, make me happy.


Oh ya, the task. Plz tell me in the comments one thing you love (about my writing) and one thing you think I could improve on(about my writing).

Plz don't say I am perfect, because I know I'm not.

So ya, I gave you something to do.

Don't forget to vote, comment and fan. Don't be a silent reader. I want to know if you like.


P.S Take a look at my profile. Lol, I redid it.

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