Chapter 23- Jason

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Omg,  I haven't updated. So sorry. I even promised to update. I feel so bad. Okay so the next part is really important so read!

I won't be updating HoH as much (WAIT! Before you freak out and go insane listen to why) because I want to focus on LWBD (my original story). I want to get into like chapter 15 or so because I'm going to start another fan fic and original. Because I'm so far into this I'm going to stop this for a while. This will probably be the last update in a while. REALLY SORRY!

But, to give you some hope, I will update LWBD a lot lately because I will have not much to do so maybe I'll find some time and fit in a HoH update. I already have the fan fic ready to go.

On another note, you finally find out what happened to Jason, and why he 'committed suicide'.

On ANOTHER note, the next update (whenever it will be) will be mystery POV and another special chapter.


No, okay fine.

Meanie ;(




As Jason fell from the ship, all he could think about was Piper. Piper was the reason he could face anything. She was the reason Jason wouldn't go mental everyday. Piper was the reason he lived.

And he was leaving her.

I'm doing this for Piper. Jason thought, clenching his fist. The ride should have caught him by now. Or was it just a trick? It couldn't be, since Jason could fly. But the ground was coming fast. Should he use his powers?

Something swept him up, locking grip on his wrist.

The lady has been waiting for you. A fragile voice whispered.

"You took long enough." Jason huffed.

I could say the same to you. The voice laughed.

"Yeah, well-"

You are a prisoner now Jason Grace. You may only speak if the lady says you may. The voice said sternly.

The voice changed emotions fast.

"I speak when I want to." Jason said.

Don't be so sure. The voice said, making Jason shiver.

"So who's the lady? Gaea? Khione? Archane?" Jason guessed.

I won't tell you. The voice said, lowering Jason so that the ground was close. The tone told Jason none of his guesses had landed.

Jason neared a temple of marble where he was dropped to the ground, and not so gently.

We're here. Behave yourself, because there are many of my kind here, ready to attack at the flick of the lady's wrist. You are a prisoner, and don't forget that. The voice warned.

Jason could see it now. The voice was a white wisp, just like the one he had seen come out of Thalia. It all made sense now. The wisps were like the minions of the 'lady'. They did all the tasks for the 'lady'.

Hurry up! You've made the lady wait long enough. The voice snapped.

"Coming, coming." Jason said, hurrying to catch up to the wisp.

Jason followed the wisp inside the temple of Jupiter, which he found offensive.

"Mind explaining why this is a temple of Jupiter? And what exactly you are?" Jason asked.

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