Chapter 2- Nico

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Ok so I am thinking that poor Nico should get a girlfriend. Her name will be Jessica and she is a daughter of Hermes. If you guys like the idea review and all. Oh sorry about the last chapter because it was small. I am going to write a big chapter to make up for it.

Disclaimer: Nothing here is mine. Everything belongs to Rick Riordan.



Nico II

The room was dark, light enough for Nico to see but dark enough to send chills down his back. The floor looked like it was going to collapse any second, and the walls felt like they were closing in on him. The room was empty, a deathly silence filling the room. Suddenly a loud wailing sound pierced through the silence, making Nico flinch. Nico tracked down the sound to a little girl, who was sobbing loudly in the corner, hugging her knees.

Nico approached her but the girl didn't seem to notice. Nico could have sworn that there hadn't been anyone but him in the room just a minute ago, but he shook aside those thoughts. He put one shaky hand on the girl, she looked up, her red eyes glaring at him. She lunged, and the vision faded.

Nico jolted up on the couch, his heart beating fast. Nico looked around and saw the familiar features of the ship, telling himself it was just a dream. Nico took his blanket and wrapped it around him, shivering even though it was more then 90 degrees out(A/N That's like 30 degrees Celsius).

The mood had not improved. Piper had locked herself in her room and Jason was banging on her door, trying to get her out. Leo was trying to figure out how to upgrade the ship with the Arichmedes sphere but kept getting distracted and muttering something about a stupid cookie. Hazel was trying not to burst into tears and Frank was right by her side, trying to comfort her. Coach Hedge was hiding in his room, but no one could blame the goat.

Nico was watching everyone work, and being unable to do anything, he felt completely helpless. He wanted to help someone with something so he could get his mind of the whole deal with Annabeth and Percy. Nico got up slowly and walked over to Hazel.

"Nico, you're not supposed to be walking! Go back and lie down!" She scolded.

"I'm tired of resting, I want to help." Nico replied. His voice was scratchy and sounded wrong, even to himself.

"If you really want to help, maybe you can check out some scrolls with Leo." Frank suggested. As Frank said Leo's name he got a nasty look on his face. Nico could sense the tension between those two, but didn't want to get involved.

"Okay." Nico went below decks and found Leo looking at paper, scratching his head as he wrote something down. "Hi." Nico said, almost making Leo drop some scrolls.

"Hey! Not to be rude but, what are you doing here?" Leo asked, rudely.

"Do you need some help?" Nico asked, ignoring.

"Ugh, yes! Those scrolls over there need to be read. Copy down everything, but summarize it, because these scrolls are very fragile. And if there is a diagram, be extremely exact with all of the details." Leo instructed. Nico nodded and took his place beside Leo and got to work. Nico was fascinated with Leo's ship, it had everything. But Leo was the son of Hephesutus and one of Hephestus' project that had killed Bianca. Nico couldn't help but sort of hate Leo, even though Leo had nothing to do with it.

"Why are you so mad at the paper, what did it do to you?" Leo asked. Nico laughed awkwardly and shook the anger out of his head. Over the next two hours, Nico worked hard, formulas and Anicent Greek swirling around in his head.

A was a scream from above broke Nico's concentration. Nico and Leo raced up the stairs and found a flock of Empousas landing on deck. The group of demigods had gathered up.

"We need the daughter of Pluto!" One Empousa hissed. It looked around and narrowed it eyes at Hazel.

"No!" Frank said coming in front of Hazel. He shot an arrow at the Empousa and it disintegrated, but there were atleast a dozen more Empousas coming forth.

"You will get your chance later son of Mars. Now step aside." The Empousa pushed Frank out of the way and he crumpled as he hit the side. The Empousa clutched Hazel who was too shocked to defend herself. Jason stepped forward but was instantly busied when a bunch of Empousas decided to attack him. Piper hadn't drawn her dagger and Leo just kept staring.

Nico stepped forward. "Oh no you don't! You won't take my only family left!" He exclaimed. Nico drew his sword and stabbed the Empousa and her life form was sucked into his blade. "Bianca died when she was too young. She didn't deserve it!" Nico sliced through another few Empousas. "And Percy...he was like my brother. Annabeth was like my sister. Tartarus is a cruel place for them to go. They didn't deserve it either." Nico finished of the last of the Empousas.

Everyone stepped back from Nico except for Hazel who aproached Nico hesitantly. "Are you okay?" She asked. Nico felt angry, really, really, angry. He felt the anger burning inside him and and all of his other emothions disappeared. He clenched his fist. Hazel was asking something but Nico couldn't her her of the sound of his heartbeat, it was loud and fast. The anger began to overwhelm him.

"Your eyes..." Piper gasped staring at Nico.

"It happened downstairs too" Leo said. His tone was serious and he wasn't his ususal self.

Nico wanted nothing more then to hear the calming sound of Percy's or Annabeth's voice. Thinking about them, his anger cooled and was replaced by grief. Nico sunk to his knees and buried his face in his hands.

Hazel crouched beside him and a hand on his shoulder. But Nico didn't need the hand of a sister, he needed his friends.

It ends here! Please keep reviewing and commenting!

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