Chapter 5- Annabeth

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Happy Halloween everyone!!!! I got 1 vote!!!!!!! Yeah finally! Guys please, like please vote or comment! Sorry I left you at a cliffhanger, but you won't find out what happened to Piper and Jessica until like two chapters. And also sorry for not writing for 2 weeks. This is Annabeth's POV so you finally get to find out what happened to Percy and Annabeth.

Disclaimer: If I look like a man to you, you should see a docter. 


Annabeth V

"Percy, run!" Annabeth exclaimed. Percy turned around only to find the passage they came from had dissapeared, leaving a solid wall.

"Great! What now?" Percy groaned, turning around. Annabeth glanced at the shadow of the monster. The monster had squiggly hair that moved around, hissing. Wait a second...hissing? The snake hair, the voice, Annabeth placed the monster exactly. Medusa. Annabeth let out a whimper and almost fell.

Percy caught her at the last moment and hauled her up, his hand protectively around her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

"Medusa." Annabeth whispered.

"Couldn't Archane build her cave of death over a flower bed or a beach? Did she have to make it over Tartarus?"  Percy asked, clearly irriated. Annabeth squeezed her eyes shut, his hand was yanked away from her and Percy yelled out in pain.

"Percy!" Annabeth cried. She felt a familiar hand slip into hers, and she squeezed it lightly, letting Percy know that she was their.

"You will face the same humiliation and pain I did, demigods. Death. " Medusa said, her voice bringing an eerie feeling. Annabeth heard Percy groan as if he hit his head and then Percy's hand fell out of hers. Then Annabeth heard heavy footsteps and a great deal of groaning.

Annabeth lowered her head and risked opening her eyes. She almost exepected Medusa'a face to be right there looking at her. Annabeth breathed a sigh of relief. She raised her head slightly and glanced around. No one was there. She was in the same room as before but Percy wasn't there.

"Percy?" Annabeth whispered. She was afraid that Medusa might hear her. She rumaged through her pack for anything helpful and found her stainless steel waterbottle. She could see a distorted picture of herself in its surface. Annabeth could use this to see a reflection of Medusa. She heard the heavy footsteps again coming back. Annabeth stuffed her waterbottle in her pocket in case they took away her pack and strapped her dagger to her belt. She zipped her backpack and wore it and closed her eyes. She felt an iron grip on her arm and she was lifted into the air. She was thrown to the ground and landed on her ankle. Pain surged through her body and she collapsed.

When Annabeth woke up again she felt blood gushing down her face like tears. As soon as Annabeth remembered where she was she closed her eyes and realized the her face felt like it was on fire. She heard Percy screaming, and panic shot through her like a bullet.

"Percy!" Annabeth cried.

"Annabeth?" She heard Percy ask. He sounded as he not able to believe she was still alive. Annabeth shakily took out her waterbottle, examining her surrondings. Percy was chained to the wall behind her, his eyes open and wild. They were bloodshot, panicked, and broken.

"Percy, how are you looking at Medusa and not turning into stone?" Annabeth asked.

"I don't know, maybe she worked magic so I could see her torturing you!" Percy replied. "Duck!" Percy yelled. Annabeth ducked as something that looked like a knife flew over her head. She glanced at the bottle and saw Medusa's hideous face coming at her. She ran over to Percy and started to cut of the chains with her dagger. Percy pushed her down when something smacked her in the head. She almost blacked out but manged to free Percy before even thinking about fainting. "Now Medusa is going to pay!" Percy said drawing Riptide.

There was some slashing and then Percy picked Annabeth up and carried her out of the room quickly before Medusa could reform. "Percy put me down!" Annabeth yelled.

"You can't walk, look at yourself" Percy's voice quivered a bit. Annabeth decided not to say anything because pain was errupting through her body, and she was tired.

Tired of everything. But that's the life of a demigod, you know? Crazy and death around every corner.

It ends here! I finally got to add some action in Tartarus and Percabeth (just a bit though). Anyway I could not concentrate on the chapter at all and it took me a lot of effort to write this. Btw plz keep commenting an reviewing.....or else the caterpillars will be angry with you.

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