Chapter 8- Nico

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Hello! What's up? I am feeling a strange mood. Btw if you read this, and really like, spread the word to any other PJO fans and HOO fans so that my fan fiction gets more popular.

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Rick Riordan, sadly, I don't own Percy, Annabeth or anyone else

Btw, I messed up the POVs (Nico and Jason). Sorry



Nico was exhausted and fell asleep as soon as he hit the couch. Luckily, his nightmares spared him, which was a rare occasion ever since he came back from Tartarus. Everyone was still sad and silent, like a weight that you could never lift. Nico had sat down in the corner and put on one of Jason's sweaters that he had borrowed. He still missed Percy and Annabeth but there was something that kept distracting him. Jessica. He found himself staring at Jessica from time to time and not knowing why.

He had tried to occupy himself but nothing worked. It had hardly been an hour since he woke up and Nico couldn't stop thinking about her. The way her hair fell down her shoulders, the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed, and her voice was like a song.

Nico shook his head. This had to stop. He couldn't be distracted, he had to lead the group of demigods to Greece. Nico spread out a map of Greece and studied it. He had to be careful where he led the group because the entrance would be completely surronded my monsters. He had visions, but then again, it could just be Gaea messing with his brain. 

"Would you mind giving me a tour of this place? Everyone else looks too sad, and tired." Jessica said. Nico hadn't even noticed, he was too busy trying to focus.

"Sure" Nico said, keeping cool. Nico had been introduced to everyone, so it wasn't too much of a problem. "I am Nico, son of Hades."

"Really? I've always thought that Hades was cool, even if he's the god of the underworld. Everyone use to think I'm crazy." Jessica said admiringly.

Nico liked Jessica immediately. No one liked children of Hades/ Pluto and everyone thought Nico was weird because of his powers. Nico lead Jessica over to Hazel who was fiddling with a ruby that was the size of her palm.

"This is Hazel, daughter of Pluto, or Hades. She's my half-sister."

"Cool!"  Jessica exclaimed.

Nico pointed to Frank. "That's Frank, son of Mars"

"That's Ares right?" Jessica asked, looking at Nico for confirmation.

Nico nodded and headed over to Piper who staring glumly at her knife. "This is Piper, as you know."

Jessica nodded. Then Nico lead Jessica to the table where Jason and Leo were discussing the Archimedes Sphere scrolls. "This is Jason, son of Jupiter and Piper's boyfriend."

"I guessed that from the way they hugged."

"Frank and Hazel are also dating." When Nico said that, Leo glared at him and made him feel uneasy. Nico ignored the look and said "This is Leo, son of Hephaestus"

"And I am also supreme comander of the Argo II. I made this whole ship with the help of some friends. I know this place inside out." Leo added.

"Nice to know." Jessica commented, sending him a weird look.. "I am Jessica, daughter of Hermes." Jessica said doing a poor courtesy. Nico's face hardened. He could only thinking about Luke. Why did someone so pretty have to be related to someone like Luke? "Is something wrong?" Jessica asked looking at the expression on Nico's face.

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