Chapter 9- Piper

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Hey chapter 9 woo hoo!!!!!! Finally :-). This will be Piper's point of view and I will make them land in Greece (you muct be thinking FINALLY!) and action and a visit from a character that you know very well. Btw I am so sorry for not updating in like three months! So so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: Sigh...I hate to say this but..*SOB...everyhting here is Rick Riordan's


Piper IX

This was the best day ever. A monster named Physci wanted Nico's soul and her boyfriend hadn't even said hi to her since morning. Just great. Piper was staring at Greece's shoreline that was slowly approaching. She sighed and turned around and bumped into Jason.

"What?" She snapped.

Jason recoiled and made a face. "Is something wrong?"

"Is it too much to ask if you said 'Hi' or 'Good morning to me'? You haven't even talked to me since morning." Piper said turning away.

"Sorry, I had too much on my mind." Jason said. When she looked back at Jason she saw a something she hadn't ever seen before. Regret. Maybe of some choice he had made in the past she didn't know but she did know Jason was hiding something.

"Something wrong?" Piper asked. His blue eyes sparkled and he smiled. He seemed to be glowing and that regret she had seen on his face had disappeared.

"Let's go have lunch." He took her hand and lead her to the table where Frank, Coach and Leo were sitting. Hazel and Jessica were at Nico's side. The kid was pale and feverish.

"I would appreciate some help with the scrolls is anyone wants to." Leo announced breaking the awkward silence. When no one replied Leo sighed and went down to study them himself.

Piper stared at the lettuce and tamato sandwich on her plate when a thought occured to her. Camp-Half-Blood. She stood so fast she knocked over her apple juice. "We have to talk to Chiron about the situation."

"Let's finish eating then you can go talk to Chiron" Jason suggested. Piper sat down and cleaned up her juice. The glass filled up again. Piper slowly ate her sandwich. She wasn't exactly pleased with breaking the news to Chiron. When she finished Jason went downstairs to check on Leo. Frank had turned into a bird and gone off to check for monsters. Coach had gone to his room to watch more movies. Piper guessed that's how he got his mind off things.

Piper found a drachama in her pocket and went to the bathroom. She turned on her shower and hesitated for a second. Before she could lose courage she tossed the drachama and said "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, accept my offering. Show me Chiron at Camp Half-Blood."

The mist shimmered and Chiron appeared. His arm was bleeding and he was limping. "Chiron" Piper called. The centaur looked at the image and he seemed to be relieved of a thousand burdens.

"Piper my dear, we've been so worried! Is everything alright?" Chiron asked. No! Piper wanted to yell. No everything's not alright!

"Not really" She managed to say without breaking into tears. "Percy and Annabeth...they've fallen into Tartarus." Piper forced the words out. Chiron's relief died away.

"I-is there any good news" Chiron asked. He was clearly affected but tried not to show it.

"Nico's back. Only some demon named Pyschi wants his soul" Piper said.


"I don't know either. I've never heared of a creature like that but she said she's from a time so old shapes didn't even exist." Piper responded.

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