Chapter 3- Jason

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Hello readers! Jessica is coming! Sorry this chapter will be short. I am kind of tired. YAWN! This is Jason's POV!!!

Boo hoo! My favourite episodes aren't coming on today! I am going to attempt a Jiper! Now on to the story!

Disclaimer: Like always everything belongs to... Do you really want me to continue????



Jason III

Jason thought, Nico being a son of Hades, was freaky. But the the little "show" he put on right there, was seriously freaky.

"Nico, are you seriously fine?" Hazel asked for like the eighth time after Nico had recovered.

"I'm fine!" He insisted.

"Thanks for saving me back there." Hazel said. Then she ran over to check on Frank. Leo was watching Hazel and Frank with cold eyes. Nico headed to the couch to rest, his eyes showing that he was extremely tired. Jason bumped into Piper on his way back to his room, almost tripping.

"Hey!" Jason said.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Piper asked. She didn't look at him straight in the eye, so Jason felt really concerned about what she wanted to talk about. Was she breaking up with him?

"Uh, sure." He said hestaintly.

"I'm not going to kill you." Piper laughed, trying to lighten up the mood. It only seemed to make Jason even more nervoud, and he followed Piper into her room. "I've been thinking about Annabeth and Percy." Piper said, choking up.

"We all have been thinking about them, but stay strong." Jason said, stroking her hair. He was really worried about Piper, she looked completely broken. Her usual smile had disappeared and he only saw shattered eyes. Piper looked ready to give up.

"Annabeth was like my best friend and now she's gone. And not to any old place. To Tartarus. The place we all dread. It's like everything I ever loved and cherished, is taken away from me! How can I stay strong?" Piper cried.

"Believe, Piper. Annabeth and Percy will be back." Jason assured, brushing the tears off of Piper's face.

"How do you know? She's gone to Tartarus where all monsters we've ever defeated are. She has a broken ankle and who knows how many more injuries? They could be dead right now, and we don't even know it!" Piper asked, tears still streaming down her face.

"Don't worry." Jason said hugging Piper. She buried her head in Jason's chest, her sobbing finally ceasing. Jason pulled her up and gave her a kiss to comfort her. Piper pulled away and sat on her bed, not looking any better. Just then Leo came over the intercom, interupting their moment.

"Meeting in the mess hall in ten minutes." Leo announced.

"Jason, please change your shirt before the meeting. It's really dirty." Piper sighed, trying to have her usual, cheery behaviour.

"I got it." Jason walked to his room and changed into a blue t-shirt which reminded him of water, which reminded him of Percy. Everything seemed to have a connection with the two lost demigods, and Jason fought back bitter feelings.

Sighing, he headed to the mess hall. Coach Hedge, Leo, and Frank were already there. Hazel walked in helping Nico who looked pretty tired. Piper came in and took her seat, and now all the demigods (and goats) were here.

"Everyone's here early, so lets get started." Leo said. "I've read some scrolls and been able to make a few upgrades."

"What kind of upgrades?" Coach Hedge asked, immediatly interested.

"Just some defense upgrades and a the ship will now not rock when in the sea. Hazel won't have to worry about seasickness now." Leo eyed Hazel.

"Hmph. You would think you could atleast get me better quality streaming!" Hedge complained, but no one really payed attention.

"Thanks but, with Percy gone, I don't really feel like travelling by sea. And Percy wouldn't be here to protect us from the sea monsters and whatever else that lurks in the sea." Hazel said.

"She has a poin.t" Frank added.

"Fine. Also the flying device is stronger and we will travel a bit faster. With luck we will be able to reach Greece in two to three days." Leo said.

"It's not like we have any luck.." Frank muttered.

"Let's be optimistic now." Jason said, looking at Frank.

"It'll be fine. We will win this fight against Gaea." Piper said, her voice thick of charmspeak. "Let's discuss how we can prepare for the Doors of Death." All eyes turned to Nico. He shuddered.

"Well we might want-" Nico was cut off by loud BANG! All the demigods and Coach Hedge raced to the deck and saw a dragon. Jason was left with his mouth hanging open. It was flying in the air and each of the flaps of its wing blew a gush of wind.

"You do not know the power of Gaea, foolish demigods. I will awake and there will be no stopping me. I just need sacrafices, which I will get one way or another. The son of Posiden and the daughter of Athena stand no chance in Tartarus, they will be destroyed. Two of you will have to do for now." The drakon said in Gaea's taunting voice. "I will show you if you don't believe me." The dragon spat fire and a vision appeared.

Percy was in chains in a dark cave. "Annabeth!" Percy cried. Percy looked angry. He looked straight ahead at was approaching. Suddenly Annabeth tumbled to the ground, unconcious. Her ankle looked better but she was bleeding from several places. "Don't worry. You'll only be driven to madness slowly." A voice called out.

"Annabeth." Piper whimpered.

"Jason! Look out!" Hazel cried. The dragon swung it's tail at Jason. He rolled out of the way. "How are we supposed to fight a dragon?" Hazel asked.

"I suppose Frank could do something." Leo said. Jason held up his sword. The Dragon was about to strike Piper when Jason jumped into the way and took the blow. The dragons claws dug into Jason's shoulder and he hit the deck hard.

So.....what do you guys think??? I know I said it was short but then I got bored and did more. Review and comment if you want more!!!!

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