Chapter 11

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I hang up the communicator.

"Oh my gosh Anika" Candra says "I'm so sorry"

I'm in complete shock at the news. I have to tell mom. I'm not the one who gets contacted first, I'm the second resort.

"I have to tell my mom" I say

"Do you want me to come with you?" She says

I nod and I'm on the verge of tears.

We walk downstairs. My siblings are in the kitchen with my mom, they are all talking about something.

My mom sees me walk downstairs with Candra. I can tell she sees the tears in my eyes.

"Anika, what is it?" She says.

With that Luke and Leia look and me. I'm already downstairs walking toward them.

I'm bawling at this point.

"Anika?" Leia says. I see that Han is here as well, with Chewbacca. I don't know why I didn't see them before. I guess I was so in shock that I didn't really pay attention to them.

"Um..." I attempt to say.

"Anika, just tell us." Luke says

"I got a call from Commander Cody" I say

"When are they coming home?!" Mom says

With that I cry even harder. Mom, Leia, Luke, and Han look at me in question. Chewbacca just turns his head like a dog in question.

"Um...Commander Cody said that um..." It's so hard for me to say to them "dad and Obi-Wan got shot" I just completely in tears right now.

"Dad is also in a coma. Obi-Wan is just shot in the leg" I say

"Than why didn't Rex call, he is always the one to call if something like this happens" my mom says crying.

"He also got shot protecting dad from getting killed after dad got thrown into a rock hitting his head. Rex and dad are both in critical condition. Obi-Wan is not in critical condition though." It's so hard to say with tears just streaming down my face.

"When are they coming home?" Leia asks trying to fight the tears.

"They should be back tomorrow" I say, I can't help it I'm bawling my eyes out.

Candra contacted Ander to come over. A few minutes later I hear a knock on the door. It's Ander. I open the door and he sees me bawling.

I tell him what happened

"Anika I'm so sorry" he says

I burrow my face into his shirt and completely brake down into tears, heavier then before. I feel on the top of my head that he has let out a few tears as well.

I see that Leia is pretty much in the same way as I am, where her face is burrowed into Han's shirt and he is trying to comfort her as Ander is trying to do to me.

Luke and mom are hugging each other and Candra came over to me and is against my back so I'm in between Ander and Candra.

This is a house full of tears.


Okay I know I'm mean in this chapter, I was crying while writing this!

I just felt like there had to be a plot twist.

I hope you enjoyed it! (Well as much as you can in this case because it's so sad)


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars I just love the series

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