Chapter 22

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I put the recording on my communicator. I run to find my dad and Ander. I run past in cloning room where Ander is, I see him come out of the room. I'm so close to him I can't stop running. I run into him and we fall on the floor.

We both land on our sides.

"Okay, first of all, ow! And second of all why are you in such a hurry?" He asks with a groan.

"First of all, agreed, ow! Second of all, I found a recording that we need. Third of all, I didn't see you in enough time to stop." I say moaning.

We both get up from the floor with a groan. We both are in a bit of pain. Apparently I have more force in me than I thought when I run.

"Okay, let's go get your dad" he says

We start to run to find him. We have no idea where he is so Ander calls him while we are running.

"He said we was by our rooms" he says

"Than lets head there" I say

We are not that far from our rooms so we slow down once we turn the corner so we don't run into my dad like I did with Ander.

"Anika, what did you find out?" Dad asks

I pull out my communicator and show them the recording.

"Let's go find this guy. Let's split up and if one of us finds him, than we send a signal on our communicators. We can put the tracking number on and that we will know where someone is if we get a signal." Dad says

We split up and I head down towards the medical rooms. I keep my eyes open for anything that seems suspicious.

I walk around slowly and watch every medical droid. I really hope the shape shifter doesn't know that we know that it changes into a medical droid.

Every time I see one come out of a room, I look into the room to see if there is anyone in it.

Most likely the shape shifter won't have anyone in the room to work on.

One time I see a medical droid come out of a room and it's head moves to look left and right. It moves away a little bit and I run to the room to see if there is anyone in there.


There isn't even medical equipment in the room.

I run after the droid. We found out a way to change the shape shifter into its actual self. I pull out the Changer, it looks like a blaster but it shoots out a ray that will change anything into its actual self if it has any form of sorcery or is a shape shifter.

I shoot the medical droid and it changes into a man.

"Gotcha" I say

I keep the Changer in my hand just in case it turns back into a medical droid or something else.

The Changer won't hurt anybody if isn't shape shifting.

If it hits the shape shifter it will make them fall so we can get them faster.

The shape shifter gets up and starts running I follow him. I send a signal to dad and Ander on my communicator.

I'm chasing the shape shifter all the way to the landing platform. I see dad and Ander coming around the corner.

"He's on the landing platform" I say

I see the shape shifter is trying to steal one of our starfighters.

"Why aren't you working?" The shape shifter shouts.

I jump up onto my starfighter because he is in my ship.

"Only the astromechs can control the ship." I say

R2 opens the hatch and I grab the shape shifter as soon as I can reach in.

We call for re-enforcements. They come and take the shape shifter away.

"You have a good eye, Anika" Ander says "you can tell when something is out of place."

"Thank you" I say.

We go to talk to one of the leaders. The leader says that they will take care of the injections.

We can go home now.


Hey y'all hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Yay, Anika caught the shape shifter!


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars I just love the series

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