Chapter 19

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I wake up to a sweet smell. I have today off, so my alarm is off. I wake myself up just enough to get myself up out of bed. I don't bother with brushing out my hair. My hair goes out every which way and I'm still in my black tank top and brown shorts I use for pj's.

I walk downstairs and see that my aunt Analeia is making chocolate chip pancakes.

"Good morning, Anika" she says

"Good morning" I say, I sound tired "this smells really good."

"Well, I have had a lot of practice, as you heard yesterday" she says.

I remember her story that she told us.

Analeia is wearing a red tank top and black shorts. I look over her scars. We are facing each other while she makes more batter.

She catches me staring. I snap myself back into reality.

I feel so bad for staring.

"Don't be sorry. I'm used to people staring at my scars" she says

"How did you know I felt sorry for staring?" I ask

"Your facial expressions. You look a lot like your dad, which means you look a lot like me. Yes, you can still see the difference, but there's still similarity." She says

She takes my hand and she pulls me to her room. She pulls me in front of the mirror and she grabs a picture of dad. She puts his picture in between our heads.

"See! The three of us, we are similar in looks and some in personality, but still very different" she says

"I see it" I say

The three of us have brown hair, blue eyes, similar facial features, similar builds, I'm more narrow and shorter though.

"Now, wanna help me finish making breakfast?" She asks me

"Sure" I say with a smile on my face.

We finish making the chocolate chip pancakes and set it on the middle of the table. We place utensils and napkins at every bodies spot.

I have a feeling my Aunt and I are going to get a long well.

I see Luke and dad walk downstairs. I find that on the weekends everyone comes down in pj's, sometimes with out brushing hair first.

"Good morning Luke. Good morning dad" I say

"Morning" the say in unison

"Anakin, it's good to see back in your normal form" she says with a teasing tone in her voice.

And the brother, sister teasing begins.

"Ha ha ha" he says.

They sit down at the table and start digging in.

"Hey, you pigs, save some for the girls" Analeia says.

"There's more in the kitchen" Luke says with a mouth full of pancake.

I give him a look and playfully punch his arm.

A few minutes later I see mom and Leia come downstairs. Analeia and I have eaten one pancake, while Luke and dad have eaten two to three pancakes. They are such pigs.

"Morning" I say to them.

"Good morning" Analeia says to them.

"Morning" they both says

I see that the boys have pretty much finished off the stack.

"I'll get you another stack from the kitchen" I say and than look at the boys "and you two will not eat it all"

"Thank you" mom says

"How many stacks did you make?" Leia asks

"3" Analeia says

Leia's eyes get big.

"May I remind you, I learned to cook for a big group. I. Sorry if we have a lot of leftovers." She says

"Analeia, it's fine." Mom says

After everyone has finished eating and we have cleaned up, I hear upstairs to get dressed.

I put on my usual outfit. I have multiple of the same simple, sleeveless, navy blue skater dress. I put on the dress, it's very easy to move in which a Jedi need, I put on my leggings and black leather boots. I brush out my hair and brush my teeth.

I braid my hair in a side braid, different from what I usually do. When I'm done I go downstairs, I tell my parents I have a date with Ander today. I get in my starfighter with R2-D2 and leave.

We decided to meet in an open field. It has an outline of tall trees and has no flowers, it's short cut green grass.

When I get there I see Ander's starfighter with R6. I walk over to him.

"Happy six month anniversary" we say to each other.

I can't believe it's been half a year that we've been together.

"I got something for you" he says

"I thought we said no presents" I say with a question in tone.

"I know. It's small though, nothing major" he says

He hands me a nicely wrapped box with dark grey wrapping paper. I take the top off the box and see white tissue paper. I move the tissue paper out of the way and see fingerless gloves. I take them out of the box and I see something else in between the gloves.

A necklace.

It's a silver infinity symbol. It's on a long line of thicker black string, that way it won't break as easily. On the top left it has an, AK, his initials. On the bottom right it has an, AS, my initials.

"I love it, Ander" I say

I put on the necklace and it's long enough that I can slip it over my head. It goes down to the top of my stomach.

I put on the gloves, they are navy blue. They go up to my mid forearm, and go down to the top of my palm, with a hole for my thumb.

"You said that when you hold your lightsaber for a while, your hands hurt, so now with these you hopefully won't have that problem."

"Thank you so much Ander, I love the gloves and the necklace" I say

We hug and it leads to kissing.


Hey y'all, hope you enjoyed the chapter!! The picture at the top is what I thought Anika's skater dress would look like, the color of the dress is the color of the text in the picture.


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars I just love the series.

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