Chapter 23

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We got home yesterday from Kamino. It was an interesting first mission. We are at the Jedi Temple because we have to give a report on what happened.

We are talking with Obi-Wan when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Daniel Miller.

I walk away from Obi-Wan, dad, and Ander.

"So you made it home in one piece I see. I'm a little surprised. When we fought you could never beat me" he says with a cocky attitude.

"What do you want?" I say with a little anger in my voice.

Daniel and I have never been friends. We don't get along well, yet for some reason he's talking to me.

"Has your dad been doing any conspiracy with the Sith lately?" He asks

Why would he ask that?

"What are you talking about? My dad would never do anything to help the Sith." I say

"Oh you mean you didn't know?" He asks

"Know what?" I ask

I know my dad, he would never join the Sith.

"Well when you mom was pregnant with your two older siblings, your dad thought that if he got all new powers by joining Senator Palpatine he would be able to save your moms life in child birth." He says "apparently he had a dream that she would die in child birth"

I'm so confused. He's not telling the truth.

"Your wrong my dad would never do such a thing." I say, at this point I'm furious."I studied every Jedi Masters information that is alive, that way when I got one I would know what to expect. When I read my dad's information it said nothing about that."

"It's been locked up, and for good reason. Your parents didn't want you to know about what happened to your dad" he says.

I'm boiling with rage. I do something I shouldn't. I punch Daniel in the nose. He screams in pain.

He gets up and charges me. We start to fight. Ander pulls me off of Daniel and Obi-Wan gets Daniel up.

I'm trying to fight my way out of Ander's arms. I'm unsuccessful.

"Anika, what was that about?" My dad yells at me.

I'm breathing heavily. I haven't, physically, had a fight with Daniel in about a year.

Ander let's me go, Obi-Wan let's Daniel go as well.

I walk away. I'm a few yards away from them when Daniels speaks up again breaking the silence.

"What your not going to tell you daddy? Princess" he says.

With that I charge at him. I'm about to jump on him when my dad grabs me.

"Anika!" He yells.

He, Ander, and Obi-Wan take me into a room. It takes all three of them to hold me down. Dad at my legs, Ander at my waist, and Obi-Wan at the arms.

"Calm down, Anika!" Ander says.

I can't calm down. I'm so freaking mad at Daniel right now.

A few minutes go by and my body is calm, my mind on the other hand is not.

They get off of me.

"So what happened?" Obi-Wan asks.

I let a breath out to calm down.

"Daniel said that my dad turned to the Sith at one point to save my mom in child birth" I say "than he calls me 'Princess' people know I don't like being called really girly nicknames."

They all look at each other.

I look at them in confusion. What's going on?

"Dad? Is what he said true?" I ask with curiosity and confusion in my voice.

"Anika, where going home" dad says.

He grabs my arm, but I yank it free.

"Is what he said...true?" I ask.

I'm beginning to question whether Daniel was right or wrong.

"Anika...just come with me" he says

With that we head home. I'm even more confused then before.


Hey y'all hope you enjoyed the chapter!! Anika is finding out about her dads past, done done done.

What do you think her reaction will be?


Disclaimer: I do not own Star Wars I just love the series

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