Part 80

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Isa's POV
After wandering aimlessly through the streets of Hollywood with no idea what to do or where to go, I finally lean against the brick wall of a bar. I take a deep breath and force my extremely exhausted, tired eyes to stay open . I especially remember the mafia roaming around LA, so it's not good to be out here. I need to find shelter, and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

For a moment I'm sure I haven't lost anything. I refuse to believe that my father, my sister and my mother are dead. I cast aside any doubt that Simon is alive, as Z said. Although my worry only increases the moment I start thinking too much, I turn my thoughts off for now.

I continue my endless walk on the sidewalk in silence. But night turns to daylight and I have nowhere to hide. No way to escape.

I remember falling asleep at a bus stop and thinking about how I can't wait to get away from everything, and by everything I mean my life... always limited by certain things. I lived with people casually taking my life into their hands and I lacked the sense to take care of myself, to defend myself.

And it's ironic that now I have almost nothing of it. At this very moment I think that I want to change everything. So, even though my lips are split, my throat is dry, I'm horribly stained with Roy's blood, and my bones ache, I get up.

I grab the gun and leave. I know these codes, and whatever their purpose was is none of my business now. I gave them away, and whoever they end up with, I hope for the best.

I walk down the sidewalk and look around. As I arrived at a parking lot where I used my tiny knowledge of cars to break into one and hotwire it, my fearless approach to these things is unrecognizable in my mind. I just don't see it in myself yet.

Hours later, after driving on the road and stopping to sleep, I arrived at a space center where things are completely locked down, and even though people stare at me there, I know at least one good thing about my father. This is his code for the safe that he keeps with a lot of money.

I'm uncomfortable with Nevada, I've been here many times, traveling with my father, and I've crossed it that I haven't met anyone I know or knows me. I have doubts though when I open my father's safe and see the fortune he keeps inside, I sigh to myself and the tension in my shoulders eases, there's at least a million in here.

Where my father gets his money from is none of my business. I tend to look away from these topics. I grab only what I can grab and put it in a backpack, which I strap to my back and lock the safe again, my lips pressed together as I hastily leave the area and get into the car, which I have to unload before it is as is reported stolen.

I go to the nearest store and grab clothes, random things, necessities, I host to get away from the public and as if sleep wasn't already overtaking me, I get into a huge amount of tiredness, I force myself awake, to drive at least a few more miles to Boulder City, Nevada to a hotel.

I almost fall asleep at the wheel before the employees here even help me. They don't ask questions about my condition, even though they are crazy to say the least.

?: How long will you be staying?

The lady at the reception asks politely, I stare into space, I can't answer her because I didn't hear her, my thoughts were too loud.

?: Ma'am.

I snap my eyes to her and swallow.

I: Um... I'm sorry, how was that?
?: How long will you be staying?
I: I... I don't know. Just charge me as long as I stay.

I tell her and she slowly nods in understanding. I tap my fingers on the marbled counter and wait impatiently for her to get the keys, I registered under the name Joanna Locket because using my real name really puts me up there to be recognized, I smile gratefully, as the woman goes over the keys.

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