Chapter two

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🌰So what do you think so far. I would love to hear your input. well here's another chapter for you

"Good morning abby," Marcus says as he walks into the ark.

Abby turns towards him, "good morning Marcus."

"So what on the game plan for today?" He asks walking closer toward her.

"I don't know. Want to take a walk?" she suggested.

"Why not?" he replies.

"Great." she immediately links arms with him without thinking.

They head out of camp Jaha and toward the little stream that lies northeast of their camp. They sat down by the stream and talk.

"This is nice," abby says as she moves closer to Marcus.

"Yeah," he says as he wraps his arm around her waist.

She sighs, " did you ever think we would make it here?"

"The little stream?" Marcus questions with a smile knowing what she meant.

She gives him her signature shove. "You are awful Marcus Kane."

"Really!? And here I thought you liked this version of me."

"I do. I like Marcus a lot better than I liked Kane."

He turned to her with a serious look on his face, "what's the difference?"

She returned his look, "Kane floated my husband and arrested my daughter." At this comment, Kane looked down. "Marcus..." She paused waiting for him to look up. When he did she continued,"Marcus saved my life."

"Do you really believe Kane transformed into Marcus?"

"No. I believe Kane died and Marcus was born."

They both look at each other. Eyes full of heartbreak and relief. Abby grabs him by the shoulders and pulls him into a hug.

"You're more than my friend Marcus. You're my-"

"Doctor Griffin. Officer Kane. Come in." They hear on the Walkie Marcus had brought with them.

Marcus picked up the Walkie and answered, "this is officer Kane. What do you need?"

"We are in need of doctor Griffin. There's a couple of people in camp complaining about their stomachs and having a fever."

Marcus looks at Abby who nods at him, giving him the okay to go back to camp. "Alright we are on our way back. We will see you shortly."

Marcus and Abby run back to camp. Once there, Abby goes to medical. "Jackson, what's wrong?"

"I don't know it's the weirdest thing. One minute they're fine, the next they're running a high fever and sweating."

"Okay, How many?"

"Nine as of right now." Jackson replies.

Abby looks at him, "what do you mean?"

Jackson hesitates. "When we radioed you, only two were sick. By the time you got back, there was nine."

"It's spreading," she says taking a step back.

"Yeah and fast."

Just then soldiers come in carrying more people that have been complaint about a fever.

"Just set them on the ground," Abby tells them.

"Abby, that's nineteen people. that is almost a quarter of the camp."

Marcus enters the tent, "Abby what is this?"

Abby doesn't answer, there is a long pause.

"Abby?" Marcus asks.

"Abby?" Jackson follows Kane's lead.

She looks at Marcus then to Jackson then back to Marcus. "This isn't just a virus.This is an outbreak."

"Are you sure it's an outbreak?" Jackson asks.


"Alright, fine. so what do we do?" Marcus continues.

"Well, we could treat them with antibiotics, but first we need to contain the virus."

"And how do you propose we do that?" Marcus asks.

"We call it last resort," Abby says.

"No!" Jackson yells. "We can't do that. That would be killing innocent people."

"Then please give me a better idea," Abby pleads.

"Woah. Woah. Woah. What is last resort?" Kane asks as he looks at both of them.

Jackson shakes his head and he walks out of the tent.

Abby sighs, "in medical we know it by last resort, but its also known as something else. The other name for last resort is Quarantine."

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now