Chapter eight

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🌰Wow! sorry its been like forever. I've had to work and do summer assignments and on top of that summer band. anyway here's this chapter.🌰

"Listen Abby just put the gun down and we can talk." Emerson says.

Abby glares at him, "do I look that stupid?"

"Just put the gun down. please."

"Why should I show you mercy when you showed me none?"

"I'm sorry. I was just following orders. Orders that were from Cage not me."

"What are you and Tom Matthew up to?"

"Tom? whose Tom?" Emerson questioned.

"You know the guy you sent to my camp so he could infiltrate it. Why? And don't try to play it off. I heard you and him talking over your radios."

Emerson sighs, "okay, so I sent Tom to your camp so what?"

"So. what. is. your. plan.?" abby says.

"You killed my family. I just want to return the favor," Emerson grinned at her.

"I didn't kill ANY of your people."

Emerson laughed, "You didn't. BUT your daughter did. Oh and revenge will be so sweet."

"Don't you get it? You've lost. You're done for and you're not gonna win."

"You sure about that?"

"What's that suppose to mean?"

They hear voices coming from outside, "I'm just saying-" says a voice. Abby turns toward the voice but Emerson grabs her and throws her against the wall.

Abby screams out in pain. She tries to recover herself, but Emerson rips the gun from our of her hand, then throws it across the room. Emerson then grabs her by her hair and tells her to shut up.

Abby spits at him, "Make me," she says through gritted teeth.

Emerson took her and slammed her against the wall.

"Is that all you got Emerson?" Abby asked.

The voices must have heard the racket because they begin to submerge into the bunker.

Emerson drags Abby into the food closet down the hall. He then slams her against the wall and points a gun at her, "You say a word," he says in a harsh whisper, "one word, and I'll kill whoever walks through those doors."


Camp Jaha: Present day

(A/N: this starts about the same time Abby surprises Emerson and puts a gun on him, which was in the last chapter)

"All I'm suggesting is-" Bellamy says.

"No. I'm ending it right now. We can't spare the men for a search."

Bellamy yanks Kane's arm and pulls him back. "One quick sweep. Just me and you."

Kane studies the boy. He sighs, "one search."

Bellamy pumps his fist in the air as a sign of victory. "yes!"

"But," Kane continues, "if we don't find anything, we give up."

(A/N: Time jump just a little bit)

"Listen, I know you're heart broken right now, but she just needs some time."

"I'm not talking to you about this Blake."

"Kane, she loves you."

"Loved. Past-tense."

"No, I know what I said. I meant loves." Bellamy says.

"Listen and listen well Blake," Kane turns his mood to cold and unloving, "Abby is dead. The sooner you admit that, the better it'll be for all of us."

Kane continues walking. Bellamy follows.

"Listen Kane, all I'm saying is-"

Thy both hear a thud and a scream follows. Like someone being thrown across the room.

"It sounded like it came from over there." Bellamy said pointing to a metal door standing open.

Kane gives him a curious look an starts to walk to the door, Bellamy followed him.

They heard another thud. They both look at each other and descend into the bunker.

"Lets go this way," Kane said.

Kane and Bellamy make their way through the bunker and they find the room with all the notes and papers and camera looking at Camp Jaha.

"What in the....." Bellamy trails off.

Kane looks at the papers. he notices its a list of people from camp Jaha. He sees Abby's name circled and the words by it that says 'get her out of camp'.

"Abby," he mutters, "no. you can't be. You have to be alive."


"Abby," abby can hear Marcus mutter her name.

Abby thinks, she has to do something. She has an idea. it's risky, but it could work. Abby slams her back to the wall, smashing Emerson into the wall as well.

Emerson recovers quickly and grabs her by the throat and holds a gun to her head. "shouldn't have done that abby."

"Let her go." comes a voice from the doorway.

Emerson and Abby turn to the doorway.

Abby grins, "Marcus."

Emerson looks coldly at him, "Kane."

"I said Let. Her. Go."

Bellamy emerges from the dark behind Marcus and tackles Emerson, holding him down.

Abby runs to Marcus and they embrace. He holds her tight and doesn't let go.

Abby doesn't care anymore.

Neither does he.

And the truth is they both need this.

She pulls back from him and grabs behind his neck and pulls him to her.

Marcus puts his hands on her hips as he reacts to the kiss.

"Oh, get a room!" Emerson yells.

Bellamy takes the rifle he brought with him and hits Emerson's head with the butt of the gun.

When the two finally pull apart, they hug again.

"I love you," Abby says gasping for air.

Marcus holds her close to him again, not letting go this time. "I love you too. Don't you ever. Ever leave me again. Okay?"

"Okay." she replies.

🌰So for the people who have waited for this update, your reward is a long chapter. thx for being patient. don't know how often ill be able to update due to school and marching band. but I'll update ASAP. 🌰

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