chapter twenty.

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The grounder army is lined up around camp Jaha.

"Remember. This is my mom who needs to be rescued. Tom's gonna try anything. So keep your eyes on everyone." Clarke says to them.

"Clarke. We need to think. You're mom may not make it out of this alive." Lexa says pulling Clarke aside.

"That's not an option. She makes it out of this or none of us do." Clarke says.

"Clarke. These are my men. My people you're putting at risk." Lexa says.

"And those are mine. The ones you abandoned to die." Clarke says.


"We can't be at war with these people." Bellamy says to Tom. "We'll all die."

"Then give me options." Tom says.

Bellamy thinks to himself.

Please god. Let me be right this time. Let everyone survive.

"We could....." Bellamy sighs, "we could take Dr. Griffin as a bargain chip."

Tom looks at him. "That's right. Her daughter. Clarke?" Bellamy nods. "She's some sort of grounder commander now. Right?"


"And she's right outside that gate?"


"Go get me Griffin." Tom says.

Bellamy walks to the cell.

Marcus is going to kill me.

In the cell

"Whatever happens. I love you." Abby says.

"You have to be okay. Abby I can't live without you."


Abby's hands shake. She walks to Marcus's quarters.

She knocks. It takes a few minutes for him to answer. The door opens.

"Marcus." Abby says.

"Abby. Not now. I can't. Not after what happened today. Just...." He sighs, "just go home."

"Save him." Abby says pushing him through the doorway and shutting it behind her. "Please Kane. I'm begging you. Save him."

He looks into her dark brown eyes, "you know I can't."

Her voice quivers, "Kane." She stops. "Marcus. I can't live without him."

He walks to her and puts his hands on her shoulders, "I know. If there was something I could do. I would, but you know that's not an option."

"He has a daughter. Clarke. She needs him." Abby begs.

He moves his hands up to her neck. "I can't."

Tears stroll down her cheek, "I love him."

"Abby. He's my best friend. If there was a possibility of saving him. I would take the risk. But there's not." He says.

"There has to be another way." She cries.

"Standing up for him would be suicide."

She pulls his hands down and backs away. "Then its suicide." She turns to head for the door.

Marcus grabs her arm, "Abby. No. Please don't do this."

"Someone has to."

"Don't let there be any more bloodshed." Marcus says.

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now