chapter ten

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Abby pushes Marcus away. "Hey. We need to talk about Emerson."

Marcus pulls her back to him, "we will. I promise. Just...."

"Nope." She says getting up. "We have to deal with Emerson. I mean what are we gonna do with him? Bellamy's right. We can't bring him back to camp. Not after what has happened. People will freak." She said pacing the room. "Not to mention what we're going to do with Tom." Marcus gets up to comfort her. Abby backs up. "Don't try to comfort me. Don't tell me its gonna be okay." Marcus continues to walk toward her and she backs into a wall.
"Cause clearly its not gonna be-"

Marcus kisses her once again. He's the one to pull back this time. "Listen. We are going to figure this out together. We're gonna be okay. We just have to get everyone to listen to reason. Emerson. Tom. Our people. But I promise its gonna be okay. " Marcus says.

"Wait that's it." Abby says twisting out of his hold.

Marcus smiles "I knew you would come up with something clever."

"We convince Tom and Emerson to join our people." Abby says.

"See I told you- wait WHAT!?" Marcus says.


"You know you could let me go." Emerson says to Bellamy.

"Why would I do that?" Bellamy asks.

"I saw Clarke the other day." Emerson says.

Bellamy remains calm, "did you?" He asks like he didn't care.

"Yeah. I'll tell you this. She makes a hot grounder commander I mean you should see her. Tattoo down her back. Red hair-"

Emerson is cut off by Bellamy slamming him into the wall. "You don't get to talk about her. We clear?"

Emerson smiles, "crystal."


"Its simple Marcus we-" Abby starts.

"I know what you said, but come on Abby. This is the man who drilled into you. We can't trust him." Marcus argues.

Abby sighs, "Marcus. You floated my husband. Arrested my daughter. Tried to float me. I gave you another chance. All I'm asking is you give Emerson that chance."

"Abby. My second chance was a completely different situation. Emerson is a completely different situation. I mean come on Abby. You can't possibly be serious."

Abby looks at him. "Why can't I?"

"Abby he's a murderer!" Marcus yells losing his temper.

"You're a murderer!" Abby yells back.

Marcus's face softens and turns to wounded face. Abby realises what she said.

"Marcus I-" Abby starts but Marcus shoves past her bumping her shoulder roughly as he walks out.


"So tell me I gotta know. What happened between you and Blondie?" Emerson asks Bellamy.

"Clarke? Like you would want to know." Bellamy retorts.

"Perhaps I would." Emerson said, "come on. What else you gonna do while those two are.....well whatever they do in their freetime."

"I don't know. I'd like to know myself. I mean one minute she tells me she doesn't want to lose me then she is basically sending me to my death, granted it was for a good cause but why am I telling you this?"


Marcus heads outside the bunker to get some air.

Abby heads to where Bellamy and Emerson are.

"Where's your boyfriend? Run him off that quick?" Emerson teased.

"He's getting some air." Abby said. "I'm giving you one chance. Come join me and my people."

Emerson starts laughing. "Is this a joke? Oh're serious? Oh my... You want join..... You?"

"And my people." Abby finishes for him.

"What makes you think you can trust me?" Emerson asks.

"Who says I trust you? I'm just giving you another chance." Abby says.

"What happens if I say no?" Emerson asks.

Abby squats down to his eye level, inches from his face. "I don't think you will." Abby says.

Man I really need to update more. I am so sorry. I suck. Anyways I've been working on a new kabby story "change of plans" but that's no excuse. I will try harder I promise.

BTW: I'm so glad kabby is....wait I don't want to give spoilers to those who don't know......uh......beep....boop....beep....uh....never mind. I'm dumb.

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now