chapter twleve

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Marcus and Abby sit into the camera room. "You ready for this?" Abby asks Marcus.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Marcus says, thinking. "Are you sure-"

"Yes." Abby says cutting him off.

Marcus chuckles, standing up, "I thought you might be." He offers a hand to her, "together?" Her asks.

Abby takes his hand and he helps her up. They stand there still holding hands. "Together." She says.

They lean in to kiss.

"Come on lovebirds. We have a camp to get to." Emerson says. The two stop and look at him.

"Come on Emerson. We're gonna head back to camp. They'll catch up." Bellamy says dragging Emerson out.

"Oh come on! They're like a bad romance novel. You know the ones where the couple is mad and then suddenly kissing them the next second. Oh! There was a song about that......It was by this guy.....oh what was his name?......Chris young....... The song was called 'I'm coming over' had a great tune and the lyrics were great." Emerson says.

"We say goodbye. See you around.
We turn our backs then turn back around.
We break up. We make up. We make love.
We can't seem to let go.
So I'm coming over running all the red lights

Bellamy rolls his eyes as he drags Emerson out of the bunker.

Abby chuckles, "leave it to Emerson to ruin the moment." She says as she gets her bag and gun.

Now it was Marcus's turn to chuckle. "Do you even know how to use one of those?"

"What? A gun? Marcus do remember my dad was head of the guard on the Ark. He taught me how to use a gun and how to defend myself." Abby says.

"Oh. Trust me I remember your father quite well. Maybe even too well. I remember how strict he was and how he always complained that a certain daughter of his wouldn't join the family tradition of becoming part of the guard." Marcus says, arms crossed against his chest, leaning against the wall.

"Yeah well. I guess I just was born a rebel." Abby said.

Marcus chuckles, "yeah. I guess you were."


There is a knock at the door of the Thompson quarters.

Brad Thompson answers the door. "Dr. McKinley. How can I help you?"

"Hello Brady. Please call me James." The doctor says.

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now