Chapter four

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🌰Hey, 1 month till school that sucks. Anyway, here's another chapter.

Abby wakes up to a wide-awake Marcus laying down beside her, looking at her.

"Good morning sleepy," Marcus says moving a piece of hair from her face.

Abby sits up, " How long was I out?"

Marcus follows her motion and scoots closer, "A full day. Why?"

Abby looks at him, "Marcus!" She gets up, but quickly falls back down. Luckily Marcus catches her.

"Woah Abby take it easy. You literally came back from death." Marcus says helping her sit up.

"There's so much to do. I can't afford to take it easy." She gets up and this time doesn't fall. "okay, first thing I need to do is-"

"Sleep." Marcus interrupted her. "Yeah you have slept for a whole day, but that isn't enough," Marcus said walking closer to her.

"I'm fine Marcus," she says and walks off to medical followed closely by Marcus.

She walks in and sees someone at her work table. "Who are you?"

He turns around, "oh sorry, you must be Abby. The names Tom Matthew. Also known as Dr. Matthew."

"Abby Griffin," Abby replies. "so where did you come from? You're not from the ark."

"Ah yes, My ancestors took shelter in a nuclear war bunker. Actually a couple different families took shelter there. We limited kids to one per couple. I'm the only one left. We went out to hunt one day and the grounders attacked. I was the only one that survived. My family was big on medicine and science, so I've been studying it all my life. When I saw that your camp was sick I wanted to help, plus I needed a place to stay, so I like to think of it as a win-win."

Abby tried to smile, "well, aren't you just lucky."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"And you showed up just in time to save everyone," Abby said accusingly.

"Yep. Pretty much," replied Dr. Matthew.

Abby chuckles, "what did you use?"

Marcus sighs, "Abby..." He grabs her arm to tell her we're leaving, but she yanks away.

"No," she turns toward Dr. Matthew, "What. Did. You. Use?"

"It was just a simple remedy."

"Tell me."

"Sorry, but its a family secret and I can't."

"Isn't that a coincidence?"

"Okay. Abby we're leaving. Now." Marcus says grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the tent.

"Yeah, anyway I have to be getting back to making these herbal remedies."

"I guess I'll be seeing you around," Abby said before she is pulled all the way out by Marcus

"I guess so," replied Dr. Matthew.


Marcus continues pulling her until they are out of earshot of camp Jaha. "What was that?" Marcus asks her.


"You were interrogating that guy," Marcus says running his hands through his hair.

"I was getting answers," Abby said.

"So that means you have to hear his story beginning to end?"

"Uh, yeah."

Marcus shakes his head, leaning back against a tree.

"I don't trust him Marcus."

"Why not? He saved our people. He saved you Abby," Marcus said walking towards her.

"So that means I have to trust him. I'm sorry, but something is off about him. Something is telling me to beware of him. Do you not feel that Marcus?"

"I can't believe what I'm hearing. The only reason you're alive is because of that man! And you're saying you would rather be dead!"

"Maybe I would! Who knows what that man did to our people! To me! And you're acting like it doesn't matter!"

"Uh! Why are you so..."

"So what!" Abby yells getting dangerously close.


"Well, you Should know! I bet its like looking in a mirror!"

"You know what? I'm not wasting my breath on you! It's not worth it. You can think what you like about Dr. Matthew, but he saved everyone's lives, including yours!" Marcus said and stormed of towards the camp.

Abby slumped against the tree and banged her head against it.

"I'm so stupid and selfish. Stupid Stupid. Stupid." She talked to herself.

She stood up and started the walk back towards camp Jaha.

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now