chapter fifteen

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It was just another normal day. Well for them it was. As normal as it could get being locked in a cell.

The cell door opened, "Emerson. Get up and come with me." Tom said.

"See ya' later losers. I'm outta here. Enjoy your prison, while I'm a free man." Emerson says walking out of the cell.

Meanwhile out of the cell

A huge crowd gathers, while the prisoner is being walked out.

Tom leads Emerson out into the middle of the crowd.

"Sky people!" Tom addressed the crowd, "you all know Emerson." He paused waiting for the crowd to calm down, "you know him as a murderer. Killer of your loved ones. And yes he deserves death."

The crowd goes would, screaming, "float him!" And "kill him!" And even "let's drill his bone marrow out!"

Tom silences with the mere gesture of his hand. "We were all raised to show forgiveness. Don't you guys agree?"

There is a long silence but in the end the people nod in agreement. In time they would forgive Emerson

Tom said as he raises a gun to Emerson's head.

Emerson puts his hands up in surrender, "Tom. Please. What are you doing? What happened to forgiveness?"

"Forgiveness is a luxury we can't afford."

He pulls the trigger.

Back inside the cell

Everyone hears the gun shot. Tom shortly returns. Abby runs up to him and slams him against the wall. "What the heck is wrong with you!?"

A guard member comes up to her and shocklashes her in the stomach with his tazer.

Abby screams as she falls to the ground. Marcus rushes to her side. "Abby!" He cradles her in his arms. "Hey its okay. I got you."

"Emerson killed my people. He broke the law and he needed to accept the consequences. Surely you can understand that Abby." He smirked down at her.

Abby grunts in pain as Marcus grips her harder.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of our people." Tom says and then leaves.

Marcus helps Abby sit against the wall. She winces as she sits down. Marcus sits in front of her. He glances at her stomach, cringing at the thought of her getting hurt.

He glances up at her eyes, she nods at him, saying its okay for him to lift up her shirt, so he can inspect the mark the tazer left.

He pushes her shirt up and he gently rubs her skin where the tazer impacted her.

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." Marcus says.

Abby forces his eyes up to hers, "this is not your fault."

He looks back down, "lexa's right. Love is weakness. When you were sick and....and dying, I didn't know what to do. And then.....he came and I.....I just thought....I could get another chance to hold you. To protect tell you I-" Marcus's voice breaks, he coughs to cover it up then continues, "to tell you I love you."

There's a long silence, she doesn't want to say anything. She doesn't want to ruin the moment.

"You're the reason I trusted Tom. Why I took the risk I took. I just....I didnt know how to live or function without you. I'm so sorry." Marcus says.

"When Clarke left......after mount weather. I didn't know how to function. When Jake died, I thought I was going to die because I had no one. No one to lean on. No one to trust. I just.... Felt empty. That is until I noticed how much you changed. matter how infuriating you are. You were always there to pick up the broken pieces and in some crazy way, put me back together again." Abby said.

"I didn't do anything Abby." Marcus says. "I didn't say anything. I didn't help."

"You didn't have to. Just you being around was enough. Enough to drive me. To keep me going. Thank you." Abby says.

Marcus stays silent, knowing all he's ever done is hurt her.

"And I promise you Marcus, we are gonna survive this. We're gonna be okay."

"And how can you say that?" Marcus asked.

"Cause I'm trying to have hope. And because as long as you're alive, I'll keep trying to regain power. To regain normal."

Abby reaches behind his neck and pulls him to her. Their lips crash and they get lost in each other.

So I'm thinking of wrapping this book up around chapter twenty and maybe???another book???a sequel possibly??? I'm throwing ideas around in my head. I kind of have an idea of where I want this story to end and where I want to go for the sequel. So maybe. Maybe not? I don't know. What do you guys think?

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now