chapter thirteen

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Its a long walk back to camp. Abby and Marcus hold hand the whole way back.

They finally see the gate and walk up to it.

"Arrest them! Put all of them in the airlock!" Tom Matthew says .

Marcus let's go of Abby's hand and puts his hands up in surrender. "Tom? What's this about?" Marcus asks.

"I didn't want it to come to this. But as Chancellor, I'm afraid I have to put you under arrest for committing treason." Dr. Matthew says.

Members of the guard grab them and strip them of any weapons they have and take their bags from them. "And what treason would that be?" Marcus asks.

"Bringing one of the men that caused the death of some of our children to our camp so he can live here with us. How are we supposed to sleep at night knowing a murder is in the tent next to us? Which is why you're all going to the cell." Tom said. "Take them away."

The guard escorts them to a big cell, and shoves them all in, then shuts and locks the door.

Marcus makes sure Abby's alright, then sits by her against the back wall. Away from everyone else.

"What are we going to do Marcus?" Abby asks.

"I don't know." He says. He sees the worry on her face. He puts his hand on her knee, "hey. We'll figure this out. Together."

She looks at him, "I hope you're right." She says leanin on his shoulder.

"Me too." He says leaning his head on hers.


"Abby?" Brad says pushing the door to Abby's quarters open.

Abby sits on her bed looking at her Ark Career test scores.

Brad goes and sits on the bed by his daughter. "Hey. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"You're right. I have to be in the guard. Dad?"

"Yeah Sweetie?"

"Did you wish that I was a boy. Mom always said that you wanted a boy and you never came home." Abby said.

"Listen. At first I did. But now that you're older I get why having a girl is so enjoyable. I may not have a soldier. But you know what I do have. A strong willed fighter. Just like your mother."

Abby hugs her father. "I love you dad."

"I know which is why you're not going to be in the guard." Brad says.

"Wait. What? But you-" Abby started.

"Got in the way of your destiny. Its your life Abby. I can't choose it for you. Its your path. You walk it alone."

"Thank you."

"Now you have a tour to go on." Brad says getting up from the bed.

"Oh my gosh! Dad! Dr. McKinley. I have to go find him!" Abby says rushing together here shoes on.

"Whoa! Easy. He's on his way. Me and Dr. McKinley were best friends back in the day."

"Thanks dad!"

"Uh... am I interrupting something?" Dr. McKinley says.

"Have fun kid." Brad says.

"I love you dad." Abby says.

"I love you kid." Brad says. Abby walks out with the doctor. Brad watches them walk down the hall. "Make your own destiny."

Present day

"Emerson. Hey Buddy. What happened at the bunker? Don't tell me you let these losers figure us out." Tom says, entering the prisoner cell.

"Well. Most of it had to do with Abby. Then soldier boys here found me." Emerson said.

Tom walks up to Abby and backs her against the wall.

"Hey leave her alone!" Marcus yelled. Two men from the guard hold him back. "Step away from her you lying coward!"

Abby hits the wall. "You think you're so tough. That you're the best there is. Well news flash. I'm in charge now." He is inches from her face.

Abby doesn't move. Doesn't say a word. Just stares in his eyes.

"You know we had access to the cameras on the Ark. I gotta ask. What kind of person kills their spouse then locks their kid up in prison?" Tom asks.

Abby pushes him away from her anger flaring in her eyes.

"Keep an eye on all of them." Tom says walking out.

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now