Chapter seven

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🌰So, it's up to abby to save her people. Abby's going to get a little hardcore in this chapter. Anyway here's another chapter....🌰

Gunshots ring throughout the camp. the grounders have decided its time to take out the sky people once and for all.

"Don't let them get past our defenses!" Marcus yells.

"Kane!" Bellamy calls, " We can't hold them off forever. I suggest we lead some of our men to surround them!" Bellamy yells as he continues to shoot the grounders.

"No need!" Raven yells with round objects in we hand. "this should scare them off. Bellamy when these hit the ground near the grounders, shoot it. It will blow up and kill a couple of grounders at least."

"Lets do it." Bellamy says. Raven throws the round objects and Bellamy shoots them.

"Retreat!" one of the grounders yell.

The grounders retreat and run away. Marcus and Bellamy head to the council room.

"Kane that's the third attack this week!"

"I know Bellamy!"

"We have to do something! Raven got us through it this time, but we can't keep throwing gunpowder balls at them, we need something better."

"Then give me something better!" Kane yells! "I don't even know what we did to upset them so bad!"

Bellamy looked at him, "are you okay?"

Marcus ran his hands through his hair " I'm fine Blake."

"No you're not." Bellamy said. "This is about Abby isn't it?"

Marcus sighs than sits on the table, "you were right. I lost her, just like Clarke. She's gone."

"She'll come back. You know she will. she's strong. she'll be okay."

"I hope you're right, cause if she's dead. if she never comes back. I don't know what I'll do."


"Don't worry Amelia," Matthew said, "Your pregnancy is advancing normally as far as I can tell."

"Thank you Dr. Matthew. I suppose I should go get some rest."

"Yes that would be the best thing for you." Matthew said.

Amelia and Jackson leave the tent. Matthew goes over to his bag and reads the list:
1.)Get rid of Griffin
2.)gain trust

"We're almost there," Matthew says to himself as he puts the list back in his bag. "They will pay."


Abby searches around the bunker seeing what else she can find to help. She finds a food storage stocked full of food and water. She also finds a weapon room full of ammo and guns.

She takes a 9mm pistol and some ammo and she heads back to the camera room.

Once there she cocks the gun and sits it on the table as she studies the papers and the cameras in front of her.

She hears a gun cock behind her. she freezes.

"Don't move." says a stern voice.

She recognizes it. Emerson.

She looks at the gun on the table. she raises her hands slightly, but not much. just enough that she can grab her gun if she needs to.

In a quick move Abby grabs her gun, and whips around knocking the gun out of Emerson's hand and pointing her gun at him.

Emerson stands there shocked and looks at Abby.

"What just happened?" Emerson says.

"I just out-smarted you. Now me and you are going to sit down and have a little chat."

🌰Sorry. this chapter wasn't that exciting, but anyway. hope you liked it.🌰

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