chapter eighteen

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"Rest tonight warriors. Tomorrow we march to liberate the Sky people." Lexa says as she dismisses her warriors.

"I hope you know what you're doing Clarke. I hope this isn't a trap, cause if it is this will be the end of the treaty."

"Lexa. You broke the treaty when you decided to leave my people to die." Clarke says.

"I did what was best for my people. Just as you did what was best for your people when you murdered innocent lives in the mountain." Lexa says.

"That wouldn't have happened if you wouldn't have left my people to die." Clarke counters.

"And what about when you declared war when you entered our territory." Lexa argues.

"Don't forget. You attacked first." Clarke said.

"Don't forget. You trespassed into our territory." Lexa says.

"You never asked us to leave." Clarke says.

"You never asked to enter." Lexa says.

Camp Jaha

"I can't believe this worked. Bellamy is on the inside." Abby said turning to Marcus. "We could survive this."

"We're going to." Marcus says.

"Hey guys," Bellamy says walking opening the cell and walking inside.

"Bellamy. What is it?" Marcus says.

"This is going to work. Tomorrow me and Tom are meeting in private. Just me and him. Its perfect." Bellamy said.

"Too perfect. Like he wants you to kill him." Abby says.

It hits Abby. "Call it off. Or whatever. Just don't kill him"

"Abby what's wrong? This is the only option we have." Marcus says.

"We can't."

"Why?" Bellamy asks.

"Cause we're being watched. Closely."

"No. No way. No one followed me down here. I made sure of it." Bellamy reassures her.

"That's because they don't have to. He can read you like a book. Tomorrow when you try to kill him. He'll kill you first." Abby said.

"Abby. I know your scared." Marcus says.

"I'm not scared. I just." She breathes deeply. "Bellamy. You continue with this plan. You will die. And I won't be able to save you." Abby says.

"Sacrifice the few to save the many." Bellamy says.

Without a second, Abby responds, "who will Clarke come running back to if you're gone? And don't say me. Cause she can't stand to be around me."

"What makes you think Clarke is still alive?" Bellamy says then walks out.



"Callie. If you don't have this surgery. You will die."

"Then I die. I would be wasting resources." Callie argued.

"We're all gonna die anyway. Resources don't matter." Abby argued back.

"Then why have the surgery!?" Callie screamed.

Abby sighs, "cause you're the only thing I got left."

"Abby..." Callie trails off.

"It's true. Clarke's gone. Jake's dead. Jaha is power hungry. You're the closest thing I have to family."

"Well....there's Marcus." Callie suggested.

"Kane. And me are not friends. Not anywhere close to it." Abby says.

"come on Abby. You and Marcus used to be real close. Whatever happened, its time to forgive and forget."

"I can't." Abby said.

"Why not?"

"I just can't." Abby said.

"I know you're afraid." Callie said, "which is why I'll do the surgery."

Abby looks up with tears in her eyes, "really?" Abby asks.

"If I mean that much to you. How could I say no."

Present day

The next day Bellamy goes to enter the private meeting room when he sees something at the gate. Something he never thought he would see again. He blinks.

This can't be real. Not here. Not now.

Bellamy walks too the gate and opens it.

"Hey Bellamy."

"Clarke." Bellamy says.

Yay!!! Another chapter up. Only approximately 2 more chapter......

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