chapter fourteen

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Three weeks. That's how long its been. Three weeks locked inside the cell. Three weeks without a word from anyone. Three weeks....And counting.

At least Abby and Marcus were together. They were given food and water, but they were kept on a tight watch. A very tight watch. Eyes were everywhere. Just like Tom said.

Marcus walks over to where Abby sits on the floor.

"Hey." Marcus says.

Abby closes her eyes, "Go. Away."

Marcus sits down by her. "I told you-"

"That we'll figure this out. That it will be okay. That WE will be okay. Clearly we're not gonna be." Abby says. She breathes deeply, "so please leave me alone."

"I can't. I did make Jake a promise." Marcus says.

"What?" Abby asks.

"While I was escorting him know." He clears his throat. "To the air lock so he could be floated. He made me promise that I would watch after Clarke. And take care of you."


Marcus walks through the halls of the ark, making his way toward Abby's quarters. He knew this wasn't a good idea. Trying to talk to her after he floated her husband, then arrested her daughter.

He comes to a halt. He knocks on the door. It seems like hours pass by before she answered the door.

He remembers the face all to well. Red and puffy face from hours of crying.

"Kane." Her voice quivers. She coughs to cover it up. "You should leave. I'm not in the mood."

"Listen. I'm so sorry. There was nothing I could do." Marcus tries.

"Yes there was! You could have saved him!" She breathes deeply, calming herself down. "You know this ark better than anyone. You could have hid him. Stashed him away." Abby says.

Marcus pushes here through the doorway, then shuts the door after he is in the room.

"Till what? They would've found him Abby. You can't possibly blame me for this. I know you're upset, but-"

Abby shoves him against the door, "you have no idea what I'm feeling! You don't know me Kane!"

Marcus takes her into a hug, "hey. Its okay. You're okay."

"I killed him." Abby sobs, "I killed Jake. He's dead cause of me. And Clarke. She's gonna die cause of me too. Its all of my fault."

"Hey this is not your fault. Don't beat yourself up." Marcus says.

Abby pulls away from him, backing up. "You're right. This isn't my fault. This is yours! You're the reason Jake's dead and Clarke is in jail!"

"Abby calm down. You're just gonna get yourself upset." Marcus says taking a step towards her.

"I'm not getting myself upset! Don't you get it Kane!? I HATE YOU!" Abby yells.

Marcus stands there, just taking it.

"Now get out of my quarters Kane."

He doesn't move.

"I SAID GET OUT!" Abby yells.

He leaves the her quarters. That was the night everything changed. That was the night he decided to shut her out. That was the night he started going to Callie's quarters.

Present day

"You promised. And I.....I pushed you away. You should have told me. No wonder you hate me." Abby says.

"I don't hate you." Marcus says.

"How could you not? I yelled in your face. I blocked everyone out. I blocked you out." Abby says.

"And I didn't?"

"Yeah, but you did it in retaliation of what I did." Abby says.

"You gotta stop this." Marcus says.

Abby stays silent. She knows what he's gonna say.

"You you needs to quit beating yourself up about your past. That means letting go of Jake, Clarke, and even the bad things you did to people you once cared about." He pauses for a minute, them continues, "okay?"

She looks up at him, "okay."

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now