Chapter one

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Hey names Sam. So I'm a major kabby shipper from the 100. I also ship bellarke. I wanted to do a kabby fanfic though. I hope you like it

"Abby, you okay?" Jackson asks her as she is inventorying the medical supplies.

"I'm fine Jackson. Don't you want to be with your wife? How many weeks till the baby is due again?"

"One month, you're ready for them to come back aren't you?" Jackson asks her.

"Yeah, I'm ready to see them all back safe and sound." She says turning to face Jackson.

"You sure you're ready to see all of them? or just Kane?" Jackson questions her.

"I want them all safe, not just Marcus." She looks down at her shoes, blushing slightly. " but yeah I'm ready to see Marcus."

"Well, they should be coming in the gate anytime. I'm going to go and check on my wife." Jackson says as he leaves.

"Tell Amelia I said hello." abby says.

"Will do." Jackson says walking out of the tent.


"We're nearly there," Bellamy says as he walks beside Marcus Kane.

"Yup. Right over the next rise and we're home." Marcus says with a smile on his face.

"I bet you're ready."

Kane looks at him, "of course I am we all are ready to be back home."He turns back and looks at the road before him.

"Sure, we're all ready, but you are more than anyone. what's it been...three weeks since you last saw her," Bellamy said.

"I don't have any clue to what you are referring to."

"Oh come on! I have eyes you know. I see the way you two look at each other. The way when we sense a threat to our people, you always step in front of her to keep her safe. Why are you so afraid to admit your feelings for her?"

"Bellamy Blake. She is the chancellor." Kane says in a serious voice.

"And?" Bellamy questions.

"That's it. Nothing more to it."

Bellamy pulls Kane back an lets the other members of the guard go on ahead, then they continue on. "I would do anything...Anything to have Clarke back. If you don't tell her how you feel, then she might end up like Clarke. Gone. Lost. I don't know if Clarke is alive. I might never know. All I have to hold onto is the fact that maybe I'll see her come running back to me."

"It's complicated." Kane says after a long pause.

"Let me guess, you floated her husband right?"

"And I arrested her daughter," Kane adds, "I don't think she will forgive that easily."

"You could try her sometime, the Griffin women can surprise you. Trust me."

"Do you honestly think she would forgive me. After everything I've done. To her, her family, her friends. No I don't think she would. I have reached the point of no forgiveness."

Bellamy came to a halt, "there's the gate. Go to her, you don't have to tell her how you feel, but at least talk to her. Not as a lover, but as a friend."

"Maybe I will."

"You better. Cause if you don't I'll tell her everything."

As they approach the gate, crowds swarm the group, wondering how their trip was and what they found. All of the soldiers find their families as Kane heads to medical.

He walks into the tent and sees her at one of the tables, inventorying and organizing her work table.

"Glad to see you haven't changed." he says.

As soon as she hears his voice she whips around, forgetting about her work place being a complete wreck. "Marcus!" She runs over to him and gives him a big hug.

"Woah," he says stumbling backward, trying to regain his balance. "Someone missed me."

"Sorry.'s just...I am so glad you're okay."

He raises an eyebrow, "oh ye of little faith."

"Oh shut up," she says as she gives him a little shove. "I'm really glad you're back Marcus."

"Me too," he says as he pulls her into a hug.

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now