Chapter nine

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"So what now? You gonna kill me?" Emerson says breaking the two lovers apart.

Marcus steps in front of Abby protectively, "oh I don't know. Maybe I should drill into your leg and extract your bone marrow."

"Oh great. Sorry I hurt your girl, but those were my orders from once again CAGE. Not ME." Emerson says.

"Seriously Kane," Bellamy says entering the conversation, "what are we going to do with him? We can't bring him back to camp. People will freak."

"Not to mention his little partner in crime might feel a little bit uncomfortable." Abby says.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asks.

Abby looks at Emerson, "you want to tell them about your little buddy?"

Emerson shakes his head, "I don't know what your talking about."

Abby turns to look at Marcus and Bellamy, "He sent Tom Matthew to our camp."

Marcus and Bellamy look at each other, "Abby--" Marcus starts.

"No!" Abby screams at him, "You have no idea what I've been through!" she pauses to notice his reaction. Marcus stands there, shocked as does Bellamy. "Don't tell me Tom's the good guy! Don't tell me he saved our people! cause even though he saved them from that sickness," she said using her fingers as quotation marks on the word sickness, "He killed us! Or he is in the process of doing so! And I don't know why you can't see that!? Why are you so blind to Tom's true identity?" she said, her voice softening, "but every time you look at me," she says looking away tears coming from her eyes, "You see bad and evil and screwed up and all the bad things." she looks back at him, she walks closer to him as she speaks, "you never see the good. I have overlooked a lot of stuff you did. I have believed you on a lot of things that I disagreed with, yet the one time," she stops right in front of him,"The one time I NEED YOU To back me up!" She pauses and steps away from him, "you don't."

Abby walks out if the room and into the control room where the cameras are.

"Make sure he doesn't go anywhere." Kane says to Bellamy as he heads toward the camera room.

"They are so hopeless." Emerson said.

"Shut up." Bellamy countered.


Camera room

Marcus walks in to see Abby sitting down looking at the several cameras. "You're wrong you know."

"What?" Asked Abby.

"I don't see bad in you. In fact, I see the opposite, I see light. You're the person that makes me better.....AND I don't know why you can't see that." Kane says as he smiles at her.

"Because....I'm not the light that guides you Marcus, I'm the darkness that clouds your judgment."

"I don't see it that way. And I never ever will." Kane says.

"I ran."


"Instead of trying to fix the problem, I ran." Abby says.

"We'll take care of this problem together. We'll Figure out what to do about Tom."

"I didn't run because of Tom." Abby says as Kane looks at her. "I ran because I didn't save them and I couldn't look them in the face knowing I did nothing."


"I should've died in that airlock and I hate that I didn't." Abby gets up to leave, but Kane grabs her arm and pulls her back into her chair.

"I'm glad you didn't die." Kane says.

"And why is that?" Abby asks.

"Cause then I wouldn't be able to do this every second of my life."

"Do what--" Abby is cut off by Marcus pulling her into his lap and kissing her. hi... it's uh been a while... I'm going to try and be better at this updating thing. Anyway hope you enjoyed the new chapter.....sorry for the crazy you guys!!!<3

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