chapter seventeen

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Bellamy sighs. "Hey what's wrong?" Marcus asks walking up to him.

"Nothing. Its have Abby....I just wish.... You know that she would come back." Bellamy said.

Marcus sits down by him, " she will. She just needs time."

Bellamy shakes his head. "We could've gotten through it together, but she ran away and hid as I had to face it. Face everything."

"Listen, you may have pulled that lever, but you did it for your sister." Marcus says.

"She did it for Abby." Bellamy says.

Marcus looks over at Abby. She is sleeping. Its amazing how peaceful and young she looks when she's asleep.

"She did it for her people." Marcus says.

"What's it like?" Bellamy asks after a long silence.

"What?" Marcus asks in confusion.

"Killing that many innocent people and not having having anyone to fall back on."

Marcus smiles, "I wouldn't know."

"You killed 320 innocent people." Bellamy says.

"Yeah, but I had someone to fall back on." Marcus says nodding toward Abby.

"But. I thought you and her.....never mind." Bellamy says.

"On the ark. After everything happened. Something shifted. Something changed. And I'm so glad it did." Marcus said as Abby begans to stir, because of a nightmare.

"She do that often?" Bellamy nods toward Abby as she tosses and turns.

Marcus gets up, "yeah. Listen some hint of advice, " WHEN Clarke comes back, don't rush into anything. Just be there when she needs you. So that she'll have someone to hold her when she breaks. After Mount Weather. That's all I did for Abby. When Clarke left. That's all I was doing. I was there to catch her when she fell. I suggest you do the same."

Marcus walks over to Abby and sits down by her. He gently shakes her awake. "Abby." Marcus whispers. "Abby. Wake up."

Abby's eyes flutter open, "Marcus?" Abby mutters. "Was I screaming again?"

He helps her sit up and he puts his arm around her, making her lean her head on his shoulder.

"No. I didn't let it get that bad." Marcus says, holding her close.

"Thank you." She mutters. When he doesn't say anything, she continues, "for putting up with me."

He smirks, "someone has to."

"I hate you." Abby says.

"You love me and you know it." Marcus replies.

"Do you think Clarke will come back?" Abby asks looking over at a saddened Bellamy.

"I hope so. For Bellamy's sake." Marcus says.

"Where do you think she is?" Abby pushes.

"I don't know." Marcus says.

"Where would you go?" Abby asks.

"Away." Marcus says.

There's a long silence. Then Abby says, "do you think she's okay?"

"Abby." Marcus sighs, "can you stop worrying for 5 minutes? Please." He begs, standing up.

Abby stands up facing him, "I'm sorry, but She's my-"

"Daughter. I know, but worrying about her isn't helping her. Or you. We need to focus on staying alive. And taking care of Tom. For good. We need a plan."

"You mean someone on the inside?" Abby asked.

"Well outside," Bellamy speaks up, as he stands. They both look at him. "Cause we're on the inside..... Of the cell. And we're not cause.....Tom's on the outside........the cell. Okay. Bellamy shut up. Got it."

"So. As I was saying. I'll get Tom to trust me, then I'll take him out." Marcus says.

" I think that I should be the one to be on the inside." Abby says.

"And why do you think that?" Marcus questions her.

"Cause I'm a woman. So I will be less likely to be a threat or cause chaos." Abby says.

Marcus looks at Bellamy, and they crack up laughing.

"What?" Abby asks.

Marcus calms down, "its just.....Abby..... Well if you weren't Abby, That statement might be true. But with your reputation."

"And what? You're going be the inside man?" Abby asks raising her eyebrows.

"Yeah? So?" Marcus asks.

"Please. Your reputation is just about as bad as mine." Abby said.

"You two are clearly missing the obvious solution." Bellamy says.

They both stay quiet. "Listen. I'm being reasonable. I've done this before. And Tom knows both of you. I've barely talked to the guy, which means I have a clean slate." Bellamy continues.

Abby and Marcus look at each other. They turn their eyes back to Bellamy. "Okay. Let's do this." Marcus says to him.

yay!!! Another chapter. Hope you like it. I think this chapter might be a little too fluffy. Oh well....

Oh and......3 days till season 3!!!! So excited!!! Bring on the feels!!!
(Don't let Kane or Abby die. Please.)

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