Chapter six

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🌰Hey if y'all want to follow my fan account on Instagram. user is @lostthe100underthetardis anyway here's another chapter.🌰

2 days later

Abby ran through the woods as fast as she could. It had started to rain. All she had was her pack with her.

Why did I have to be so stubborn? Abby thought to herself. I wonder what Marcus is doing? I bet he hates me. Running off without telling him, what was I thinking?

Abby falls on the ground, "what in the.." she trails off as she gets up to see what she has tripped on.

" A door," she mumbles. after a long time of struggling, yanking, and pulling she gets it open and walks inside. "No," Abby says to herself, "it's a bunker."


2 days ago: Camp Jaha

"...Abby Griffin has left the hen house." Matthew said. After he hid the radio he went over to the trash bin.

Marcus Kane burst into the medical tent. Matthew turned around, "Marcus can I help you?"

"Have you seen Abby? I can't seem to find her anywhere."

Matthew turns around and sees the tray of trash with the note on it. He dumps the tray into trash bin. "sorry," he say turning back to him, "I haven't seen her since she went into the Ark to find you."

Marcus sighs, "well have you seen any clue where to find her like a note or something?"

Matthew looks around as of to think for a minute, "nope can't say I have. You want to send out a search party. I'll back you up if anyone disapproves of it."

"Thanks, but I'm just going to do a quick sweep of the woods. We can't spare the men. Even if we could..." Marcus trails off then looks up at Matthew with a sad smile, "I'll leave you to it then."

Marcus goes to leave the medical tent, "Marcus," Matthew says making Marcus turn around, "she'll turn up. She'll come back."

Marcus turns back around and walks out of the tent.

Present Day: Camp Jaha

Another busy day has hit camp Jaha. Dr. Matthew have been busy with medical. Marcus and Bellamy have been busy with training the Guard.

In medical, everything is now stable and Jackson leaves the tent to go spend the remainder of the evening with his wife.

Matthew's radio crackles, "Matthew, its Emerson come in."


Meanwhile: in the Bunker

Abby finds a room full of files an papers of everybody in Camp Jaha, or almost everybody. There is also screens that are showing camp Jaha and other parts of the forest.

There is a list of names and gets is circled. right by her name someone has written 'Get her out of camp Jaha'.

Abby hears a radio crackle and she picks it up.

"Matthew, it's Emerson come in."

"Yeah I'm here. what's up?" Says Matthew.

"How's things in camp Jaha?"

"Under control."

"And they trust you?"

"Oh, Emerson." He says chuckling," I have these people wrapped around my finger. And with Dr. Griffin out of the picture, my job is so much easier."

"Good work Tom. Emerson out."

Abby puts the radio back down, realizing one thing.

Tom Matthew is a traitor and everyone in camp Jaha trusts him and believes his story except for one person.


She is their only hope of surviving this.

🌰I'm so glad y'all all are enjoying this! I know I'm enjoying it. more chapters coming.🌰

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