chapter eleven

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"So? Ready to become a sky person?" Abby asks Emerson.

"Do I have to?" Emerson asks.

"That depends. How much do you value your life?" Abby says.

"Fine. Let's just get this over with." Emerson says.


"Hey" Bellamy says to Marcus outside the bunker.

"Shouldn't you be with Emerson?" Marcus asks.

Bellamy smirks, "shouldn't you be with Abby?"

Marcus smirks and chuckles, "touché."

There is a long silence then Bellamy starts laughing.Marcus looks at Bellamy, "What's so funny Blake?"

"Nothing its just every time you and Abby are together you either want to kill each other or kiss till the Apocalypse."

There's an awkward silence, "okay maybe wrong phrasing. The point is, you too are so alike, you're different. Y'all are too afraid to admit your own feelings and that may costs you in the long run." Bellamy says.

"I love her. She knows that. And I know that she loves me, but we.....we just can't......" Marcus sighs.

"I get it, you know. Deep scars can't heal. But what if moving on, what if being with the person who caused those scars helps, never completely heals, but what if that person eases the pain, like anesthesia." Bellamy says.

Marcus rolls his eyes, "I'm not the doctor Blake. Don't bring medical into this. But I get your point. And maybe....maybe me and Abby....maybe we could.....become something.....maybe More than 'just friends'.....I want to be more than just friends."

"Good. Now get in there with your girl." Bellamy says shoving him into the bunker door and following him.


"See not that hard." Abby says as Emerson grumbles about being too nice.

"Abby." Bellamy says at the doorway.

Abby looks up too see Marcus and Bellamy.

"I'll take over. You two go talk. Now." Bellamy orders.

"Okay?" Abby says following Marcus to the camera room.

"Marcus. I'm sorry....I shouldn't have..."

"Its fine. I probably more or less deserved it."

"I know this isn't easy. But I want it to work." Abby says.

"Its never been easy."


(After Marcus saved Abby 1x11)

Location: medical room

Marcus sits on the medical table, waiting for Abby to wrap his burned hand.

Abby gets the medical supplies and rushes toward Marcus and starts treating his hand.

"That was stupid you know?" Abby says.

"Which part? Climbing through the ventilation shaft or rushing toward your side without thinking." He replies.

Abby chuckles, "all of it. It was stupid and reckless." Abby says seriously.

"Thank you." Abby adds.

Marcus looks up at her.

"And. Under normal Ark rules. I do believe you broke the law." Abby smirks.

Marcus returns the smirk, "I learned from the best."

Abby finishes wrapping his hand. She turns too walk away, but he grabs her with his good hand. They look into each others eyes.

He reaches behind her neck and pulls her to him, they kiss for what seems like hours.

They pull apart and they continue to stare at each other.

"I love you." Marcus says.

"I know." Abby replies and then kisses him. Its a quick, but long kiss. "Come on. We should probably go check on Jaha."

Present Day

"So? Friends," Abby held out her hand as if she was waiting for Marcus to shake hands with her.

Marcus walked over to her grabbed her hand and pulled her to him and kisses her. A long kiss. The ones they both loved. Especially after a long day.

And today was one of those long days.

They pulled apart. They rested their foreheads against each other, looking into each other's eyes.

"I love you." Abby says.

"I know." Replied Marcus then he kissed her again.

BTW: "I love you." "I know." = star wars quote. Didn't realise till after I wrote it.

That moment when your nerd comes out and you end up using references from the nerd section of your brain.

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now