Chapter five

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🌰So what do y'all think of Dr. Matthew. do you trust him? any ideas for the future?
-Sam 🌰

Abby makes it back back to the camp. She looks around for Marcus, but can't seem to find him. She walks towards the ark, but Bellamy stops her.

"Where have you been ?" He asks.

"I was taking a walk. Have you seen Marcus?" She asks.

"Yeah, he's in there," Bellamy said motioning to the old council room.

"Thanks," Abby says as she starts to walk toward the council chamber.

Bellamy turns to her, "are you two okay?" Abby turns back towards him. " I mean you two usually return to camp together. This time you didn't."

"We're fine. I'm fine."

"Okay then." Bellamy says as he walks off.

Abby continues walking to the council chamber. As she walks in, she sees Marcus talking to Dr. Matthew.

They both notice her presence, "Well I better get going. I have a lot to do. Nice talking to you." Dr. Matthew said.

They stand up from where they were sitting and shook hands. Dr. Matthew walks out, "Abby," Dr. Matthew says.

"Dr." She returns. Once he is out of the room, she walks over to Marcus.

"You hear to apologize?" Marcus asks.

Abby smiles, "oh come one. You know me better than that. I'm not big on apologies."

Marcus stands up, towering over her, "then what are you here for?"

"Do you trust him?"


"Why?" Abby questions.

Marcus shrugs, "He saved you."

Abby pulls him into a hug, it takes him a second to react, but eventually he hugs her back. "I'm sorry, I should have trusted you. And what I said, I didn't mean to-"

"Yes, you did. You're Abby Griffin. You always mean what you say."

She pulls back from him and looks into his eyes, "I-"

"Don't. Just stop." He says pushing away from her and walking across the room.

"Why are you doing this to me? I'm trying to apologize and you're just blocking me out." Abby said.

"Do you honestly blame me? You just yelled at me for trusting Tom."

"Oh so what you're on first name basis now."

"Yeah, so," Marcus said.

"Marcus, you usually find it hard to trust people. Why do you trust him?"

"Cause I do."

"That's not an explanation."

"Why would it matter to you?"

Abby turns away from him and looks down at her feet, "wow, you must really hate my guts."

Marcus sighs, "Abby. Listen I told you he saved your life."

"That doesn't mean jack-diddly-squat. He saved everyone's lives, not just mine. So why don't you quit being Kane and tell me why you really trust him."

Marcus chuckles, "you still don't get it. He saved your life Abby. I took a leap of faith when he said he could save
you. When he said he could save our people."

Abby felt like kissing him right there. He did all of this for her. Trusted that guy for her. She walked toward him, she was going to kiss him, the first time since the Ark.

Marcus walked towards her, "I've gotta go. You know training and stuff."

She watches him walk out and then she heads for medical with and idea. As she walks in she sees Dr. Matthew.

"Dr. Matthew, can we talk?" Abby asks.

Dr. Matthew turns toward her, "sure. Uh what about," He says sitting on a table.

"I would like to apologize for earlier. That was out of line. Sorry."

"Don't worry. I would have done the same thing under the circumstances."

"I also came to tell you to take care of them." Abby said.

He looks at her curiously, "why?"

"I'm leaving. Right now. Wait two days then give this to Marcus." She hands Him a note.

"Are you sure?" Matthew asks.

"Yes." Abby replies.

"Okay then, two days."

Abby nods as she heads out of camp Jaha the back way. Matthew watches her go and one she is out of sight he walks over to his bag and grabs a Walkie out, "Carl Emerson. It's Matthew come in."

"Matthew. Report, did it work? Is stage two ready for action?"

"Oh yeah it worked." He said picking up some medical supplies, "Abby Griffin has left the hen house."

🌰Mwahahah I'm so awful! what do you think! should my chapters be shorter or longer? anyway more coming soon, if you have ideas tell me.🌰

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