chapter ninteen

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Abby paces the cell. Something must have gone wrong. No Bellamy. No gunshot. What happened?

"Will you please stop wearing a path in the floor." Marcus says, sitting down, running his hands through his hair.

"Its driving me crazy. No gunshot. No Bellamy. What went wrong?" Abby says rambling off.

"You're driving me crazy." Marcus says.

Abby stops and sits down beside him. "I'm sorry...I feels like something is wrong."

"I know. Maybe Bellamy decided he couldn't go through with it." Marcus says.

She turns to look at him, "we are talking about Bellamy right?"

Marcus puts his hand on her knee for reassurance. "Listen, everything is going to be alright."


Bellamy leads Clarke through the camp into a private storage room.

"You're back." Bellamy says hugging her.

She hugs him back. How she missed his hugs.

"I missed you." He says.

"I missed you too." She replies.

Bellamy pulls back, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to-"

Bellamy's radio crackles. "Blake come in." Came a voice.

Clarke looks at the radio on Bellamy's hip. "Who is that?"

Bellamy grabs the radio, "yeah Tom?"

Clarke's mouth drops.

He's working for Tom.

"I thought we had a meeting to talk about what to do with the lovebirds." Tom says.

Bellamy looks at Clarke, "yeah sorry. I got caught up. I'll be there in five minutes." He says, putting the radio back on his hip.

"You're working for Tom! I'm here to take him out!" Clarke harsh whispers at him.

"So am I!" He echoes her tone.

Clarke looks at him curiously. Bellamy sighs, "listen. I'm supposed to go in that meeting to kill him."

"You can't do that. I have a grounder army to come in here and take Tom out. You kill him, Lexa might think something happened to me. Just.....lay low. " Clarke says.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Cause me and Tom are meeting about how we are going to kill your mom." Bellamy says.

Clarke's face is full of hatred. "What." Clarke's grits out.

"Listen, I'm trying to save them." Bellamy says.

"Them?" Clarke thinks, "wait...them? My mom? Lovebirds? My mom's one of the lovebirds....but who's the other one?"

Bellamy looks down,

This is going to be bad.

Bellamy looks back up at her, "There's no easy way to say this.....Kane."


"Yeah." Bellamy says.

"Why would How could she do that!?" Clarke screamed.

"Shut up!" Bellamy harsh whispers. "Do you want to get caught?"

Clarke calms herself down.

"She....with...... Kane?"



"You left. He was there to pick up the pieces."

Clarke hesitates, "Is she happy?"

"Yeah. She is."

"I don't like it. I mean...this is the guy who floated my dad. How can she love him?" Clarke asked looking up at him.

"Because. Marcus was there when you weren't. Clarke. you left. She was alone. Kane was there. That's all there is to it." Bellamy said. "I have to go. I'm not going to do anything. You get your army ready."


"Get your men ready lexa. We're going to have to move tonight." Clarke said to Lexa.

"Clarke. What's wrong?" Lexa asks.

"Tom. He's trying to kill my mom. Tonight if possible. Which is why we have to stop him." Clarke says.

Lexa pulls on Clarke's arm, "Clarke. You're shaky. What's wrong?"

"My mom fell in love with the man who killed my father." Clarke said coldly.

"Sometimes its best to forget the past and move on." Lexa says.

Clarke looks at her, "you mean forgetting that the only reason I'm here is because you abandoned my people at the mountain."

"Does this man make your mother happy?" Lexa asks.


"Then what are you worried about?" Lexa asks.

"That she'll forget." Clarke says.

One chapter left. And maybe an introduction to the second book........ And then I'll maybe....possibly work on the second book. If y'all want a second book???

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now