Chapter three

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🌰Hey, I am really enjoying writing this, and I usually don't get this excited. Anyway, here's another chapter.

Marcus looks at her, "quarantine? you're serious?"

"I don't like it either Marcus, but I don't have a lot of options."

"How would we even do that?"

"The airlock. We could put the people that are sick and people who are at risk of catching the virus in there and seal it up."

"Okay. One other thing, Jackson said that quarantine would kill innocent people, what did he mean?"

"The antibiotics we have aren't that strong, which means they might work, but more than likely they won't," Abby explained.

"So what you're saying is that instead of saving them, we would be killing them?"


"There's no other way?"


"Alright let's get started."

By sundown there was sixty people in the airlock. "Well, that should be everyone," Marcus says.

"Yeah almost," Abby replies. "There is one other person who has to go in to quarantine."

"Who? I thought that was everyone." He stops talking when he sees Abby looking down, "Abby?"

"I have to go to quarantine."

"What!? Why!? You're not sick-"

"But," Abby interrupted, "I am at risk of being sick. I was close to the infected, which means if I don't go, I'll breach quarantine."

"I'll go with you." Marcus says, walking toward her but she walks backward. He looks at her, "That's why you've been keeping a distance, because you knew you would go into quarantine."

"I'm sorry Marcus," Abby says as she walks off to the airlock.

After everyone is in the airlock, a soldier presses the button. Marcus walks up to the glass and puts his hands on it. Abby does the same from the other side. Marcus shakes his head slightly, then puts his head against the glass. He stands like this for a couple of minutes, then looks up to see Abby coughing and sweating. Marcus swallows hard. She's caught it. She's caught the virus.

Abby puts her hands back on the glass, but Marcus takes his hands off and walks out of the ark.

Abby starts to cry, "I love you," she says as she sits down on the floor.


"How is Abby?" Bellamy asked as he walked up to Kane.

"She has the virus." Marcus says with almost no emotion.

"Hey," Bellamy says making Marcus look at him, "she is a fighter. She'll make it through this."

Kane looks at him, "no she won't. The antibiotics we have, they aren't strong enough."

"What?" Bellamy asks, then he continues, "then how are we supposed to treat them?"

"We're not," Kane says through gritted teeth. "Everyone in that airlock will die." After he says this he looks down at his feet, "including Abby."

Kane goes to walk off, but hears something at the gate. The guards are trying to restrain a man.

"PLEASE! I can save them! Please let me help!"

Kane walks over to greet the man. He orders the guards to let the man go. "Who are you?" asks Kane.

The man holds out a hand. "Name's Tom. Tom Matthew. Some people on Earth know me as Dr. Matthew."

Kane shakes his hand, "Can you do it? Can you save our people?" Kane asks.

'Yes, I...I...I have a solution that will cure the illness that has fell upon your people."

"Why should I trust you?" Kane asks.

"Because I am the only one who can save the people you care about."

"What do you want in return?" Kane asks.

"Just one simple thing. A place to stay."


Dr. Matthew, Kane, and a couple others go and help deliver the cure to the sick in the airlock.

After they open the airlock, Kane finds Abby and holds her head up. "Marcus. what are you doing?" she says breathing heavily. "You're breaking quarantine."

"Abby, drink this, it will make you better," Kane says, putting the cup with the cure up to her mouth.

"Why?" she asks sitting up. "What is it?"

"Abby, do you trust me?" Marcus asks her.

"Yes, you know I do."

"Then drink," Marcus says.

Abby drinks the cure and then sits back. "I'll be back for you. I'm going to go help the others," Marcus says.

Abby nods in reply and then Marcus goes to bring others the cure.

After the cure is administered, they all head back to their tents. Marcus takes Abby to her tent and helps her to lay down.

Abby grabs Marcus's hand as he turns to leave, "don't leave me," she pleads.

Marcus gives her hand a little squeeze and sits down beside her, "I'm not going anywhere."

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now