chapter sixteen

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"Lexa. Please my people are in trouble." Clarke begs the commander.

"That is not my problem Clarke. I should murder evert last one of them, but I won't. They stay away from us, we stay away from them." Lexa says.

"Please. My mom is in that camp. That dictator Tom Matthew. Or whatever. He's a murderer. And he needs to be taken out. Tell me you don't agree with me." Clarke says challenging the commander.

Lexa considers this for a minute. Then says, "you're people will owe the grounders dearly."

"Whatever the costs. I'll pay it. Just please. Take out this Tom guy." Clarke says.

"I'll take my army and we will kill everyone in order to get your mom back safe."

"Listen. Lexa all we're after is Tom. There are innocent people in that camp. Women. Children. There lives are to be spared."

"Why? Why not kill them all? They don't stand up for your mom. What type of people won't stand up for their own leader?" Lexa asks.

"The kind that are afraid. They don't know what to do. You can take your army, but you don't kill anyone. Tom's our target. Not my people."

"Okay. We meet in ten minutes to plan to invade Tom Matthew's camp."

Camp Jaha

"How long is Tom going to keep us here?" Abby asks to herself.

"Better alive in here. Than dead out there." Marcus says walking up behind her.

"You sure?" Abby asks.


Three months. Its been three months since Jake's death. Three months since Clarke's arrest. Abby works late in medical. No since going home to an empty room. No husband. No child.

"Abby?" A voice says from behind her.

"Kane. I thought I told you I don't want anything to do with you." Abby says firmly.

She could feel him walking closer, "I'm not hear to talk about whether you're gonna be okay." He is inches from her back, "you missed the council meeting."


"Is this going to be a problem Griffin?" Kane asks.

Abby turns around, and stumbles back with shock of how close he is.

Trust is a hard thing (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now