Ch22: Sunday Morning (Part 1)

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Gym Gamma... A state of the art facility only accessible to UA students and faculty members. The massive training space was just one of many high-end resources offered by the most prestigious hero school in the world... But to those students hoping to improve their fighting prowess or build their strength and mobility, it was UA's version of a promised land.

At first glance the room didn't look like much other than a giant empty building, but the brainpower of Principal Nezu had created the ideal environment for strengthening a powerful quirk. The giant open area was perfect for destructive powers like Bakugo's or Midoriya's. It also made for a great space to house multiple one on one fights at a time... Or one huge free for all...

Along with its gargantuan space, every square inch of the floor was made of concrete. Anytime the facility was in use during school hours, Cementoss was there to create any terrain imaginable, making it a prime location for mobility training. 

However, perhaps what put this specific training facility into a category of its own, was the contributions of UA's support course.

Mr. Power Loader was heavily involved in Gym Gamma's construction and design. Underneath the thick layer of concrete flooring, was a powerful system of magnets... And some of his more capable students, such as Hatsume, often invented electromagnetic weight training equipment. 

The pull between the subterranean system and their homemade equipment allowed for a simulation of much greater weight than you could get from normal training gear.... In short, those with super strength were able to lift ungodly amounts of weight and really test their limits... And those with quirks built for speed or based on movement could push themselves by wearing magnetic wrist and ankle bracelets.

Twenty four hour access... Seven days a week... Gym Gamma was an invaluable resource...

And it also happened to be where you could find the brown haired sports festival champion half of the time you went looking for him... 

Even if it was during the dead of night...

The sweat dropped down the bridge of Peter's nose and splattered on the concrete floor beneath him. While most of everyone he knew was asleep at the early hour of 4:30am... he was busy putting his body through what could only be described as torture... 

He panted heavily as the beads of perspiration poured down his face and shirtless body, while he held himself up on his hands and knees. His skin glistened under the lights above... He had the place all to himself, and he was taking full advantage of it...

He turned his head and stared at his phone on the ground beside him. The list of exercises Mirko had sent him was displayed on the screen.... It was insane... He had never been pushed this hard.

His fist clenched on the ground as Mirko's verbal challenge seemed to echo in the air of the large building he found himself in....

"Think you got what it takes to try and keep up?"

It was odd how a person he had never met before, already seemed to know how to speak directly to the competitive nature inside of him. He could hear the fire in her voice during their brief conversation... A fire that resonated with him.... And flipped a switch inside his brain. It was almost like she knew exactly which set of his buttons to push in order to get the boy's heroic blood pumping. 

He may have just won the sports festival... But that was just a step in his long and arduous journey that lay before him. A big step... but a step nonetheless. Peter Parker was just getting started... And after he had found out about the hero killer incident in Hosu, he was practically foaming at the mouth to start his training. 

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