Vol. 3 Silent Star - Ch. 04 What if I Say I Want to Reconcile?

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After arriving at the hotel, Han Ting invited Ji Xing to have dinner together.

Ji Xing was trying to find a reason to refuse, but Han Ting said, "I will return home tomorrow morning."

Ji Xing was surprised: "So soon?" He seemed to have just arrived today.

"Yeah." He said, "There is a very important meeting on Monday."

She couldn't refuse, so she went to the restaurant with him.

After Ji Xing sat down, he didn't say much.

His words "How do you judge, not enough love?" cast a big wave in her heart. He was a person whose principles and emotions could be separated. She couldn't figure out the real starting point of his words - was it just a discussion of principled issues, or an expression of emotion? She was afraid of misunderstanding.

She couldn't help but guess his thoughts, wondering if all this was his routine - talking about work to attract her to be with him, to meet Professor Meng, and to have dinner together.

But she felt that he wouldn't care about her to such an extent.

After thinking about it, she was unsure.

But if it was true, she would not be able to resist him setting traps in such subtle places.

She could not help but put up a high wall in her heart again.

The waiter came over at an inopportune time to light the scented candles, and a cluster of pea-sized light danced softly and warmly between the two of them, making each other's faces much gentler.

Han Ting asked: "How long is the course?"

Ji Xing replied: "One and a half months."

Han Ting asked: "What are your plans after you go back?"

Ji Xing was wary: "What plans?"

Han Ting said: "Work."

Ji Xing was even more puzzled: "Didn't I say that I would be the vice president of Hanxing?"

Han Ting laughed: "Is my memory so bad? Of course I'm asking you what you think about your work." 

He said, "This time it's different from Xingchen. Jiang Huai will always urge you on the development level, so I won't mention it for now. Xingchen has a simple personnel structure, which is half of your circle of friends. But Hanxing is different: there are superiors, peers, and subordinates. A group of people with complex backgrounds, most of whom are older than you, and are difficult to deal with and manage. Just the interpersonal relationships are enough to make you drink a pot."

Ji Xing didn't say anything at first. No matter what environment she changed to, he could always point out the problems she faced.

She took a sip of water and said, "When the enemy comes, the general will stop it and when the water comes, the earth will cover it. How well the social studies class this year will be known soon." She added, "I am not completely unprepared. I have studied the backgrounds of several supervisors under me. I have also made psychological expectations and paid attention to everything, and I am cautious in my words and deeds. When necessary, I will speak to people in a human way and to ghosts in a ghost way." 

Han Ting listened and interrupted seriously, asking, "How do you say ghost stories?" 

"..." Ji Xing paused for a second or two and said, "The kind you are best at saying." 

"Oh?" Han Ting looked up at her, "Where have I told you ghost stories? I think every word is sincere enough." 

The candlelight reflected in his clear black pupils, as if carrying a scorching temperature. Ji Xing turned her eyes away, raised the glass and took another sip of water, secretly complaining: Every word you say now is a ghost story. She didn't say anything, and Han Ting didn't dwell on this episode for too long. 

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