CHAPTER 2: The Race for Recognition

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Tuesday morning at Whimsy Burger was buzzing with energy, even though the doors were still closed. The staff, filled with anticipation, gathered inside, ready to kick off the day. The smell of fresh ingredients wafted through the air, mingling with the excitement of the team.

As everyone settled in, Donna, the enthusiastic manager, stepped forward with a bright smile. "Alright, everyone! I have some exciting news! For this month, we'll be including the part-timers in our Employee of the Month award since you're all working full shifts during your summer break!"

A wave of excitement rippled through the crowd, and the part-timers erupted into cheers, clapping their hands in delight. Kelsey could see the joy on everyone's faces, and she couldn't help but smile herself. Amidst the applause, Rose caught Luke glancing over at Kelsey, a thoughtful expression on his face, which made her wonder what was going through his mind.

Donna continued, her voice ringing out above the noise. "Now, here's the deal: you'll all need to impress your customers! We have these voting sheets over here," she pointed to a table stacked with colorful papers, "which you'll give to your customers so they can vote for their favorite staff member. Each sheet includes all thirty staff members' names, and they'll toss their votes into the box right next to it."

Kelsey's heart raced with excitement at the challenge. "This is going to be fun!" she exclaimed, turning to her friends. "We should brainstorm some ideas to really wow our customers!"

"Definitely!" Damian agreed, his enthusiasm matching hers. "Let's come up with some fun specials or promotions that will get everyone talking."

"Or maybe we can create a fun atmosphere with games or contests," Rose chimed in, her eyes sparkling at the possibilities.

"Alright, Kelsey, Rose and Luke," Donna said, her tone shifting to a more serious note. "I need you three on the floor to take the orders. Damian, Pam and Calvin in the kitchen, Mel, Katy and Sean, Cashiers please.."

"Okay, sure!" the trio replied in unison, their excitement momentarily set aside as they acknowledged the change.

As the doors swung open and the first few customers trickled in to order breakfast. Rose glanced around the bustling café and suddenly froze, her eyes widening. "Is that Bevan Sauls?" she exclaimed, pointing toward a tall figure near the entrance.

"Who's he?" Luke asked, furrowing his brow as he followed her gaze.

"Oh, he's from head office," Rose explained, leaning in conspiratorially. "He usually comes in on weekends and always seems to look for Kelsey to serve him."

"Why?" Luke's curiosity piqued, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

"I think he likes her," Rose replied with a teasing smile.

"That's inappropriate," Luke said, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Well, if he were an old man, I'd agree with you. But he's probably in his late twenties or early thirties—not too old considering Kelsey's age," Rose countered, a playful glint in her eye.

Just then, Kelsey approached, her brow slightly furrowed. "I heard my name," she said, looking between her friends.

"We were just talking about Bevan," Rose said, her voice dropping to a whisper. "He always comes looking for you on weekends to serve him."

Kelsey's gaze followed Rose's finger pointing toward the corner of the café. "I see him sitting over there," she said, her voice trailing off as she noticed Bevan glancing their way. "Oh no, he spotted me!"

Luke watched as Kelsey's expression shifted from casual to anxious. "He's standing up and coming this way," Kelsey panicked, her heart racing at the thought of the unexpected encounter.

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