CHAPTER 33: Plans and Promises

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Luke sat across from his father, savoring the last few bites of his toast. After a moment of contemplation, Luke turned to his father, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Dad, are you busy this Saturday?" he asked, his tone casual but with an underlying sense of urgency.

His father looked up from his newspaper, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "No, son. Why, what's on your mind?"

Luke took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "Well, Kelsey's mom wants to meet with you. She wants to confirm your blessings for Kelsey and me to take the next step in our relationship."

His father raised an eyebrow, a mix of surprise and interest crossing his face. "Sure, I'd be happy to meet with her. Where do they live?"

"They're in Townsend," Luke replied, his heart racing with excitement at the thought of Kelsey's mom formally discussing their relationship with his father.

"Got it. How about we go Saturday morning around 11?" his father suggested, already reaching for his phone to check his schedule.

"Thanks, Dad. I'll let Kelsey know," Luke said, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. This was an important step for both him and Kelsey, and he was grateful for his father's support.

"I'll be off to campus now," Luke added, standing up and gathering his things.

As he made his way toward the door, his father called after him, "Good luck with everything, son. I'm proud of you both."

Luke turned back, smiling. "Thanks, Dad. I appreciate it." With that, he stepped outside, the morning sun warming his face as he mentally prepared for the day ahead, eager to share the news with Kelsey and excited about what the future might hold for them.


Tina stood outside waiting for Kelsey. As soon as Kelsey hopped into the car, Tina turned to her with wide eyes and an eager grin. "You have to tell me everything!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing in her seat.

Kelsey took a moment to collect her thoughts, the memories of the previous day flooding back. "Well, we spent the entire day together at his lake house," she began, a dreamy smile spreading across her face. "We went for a swim, had a lovely lunch, and then... we fell asleep in each other's arms. Oh, and I went all out with a full face of makeup!"

"No way, Kelsey!" Tina gasped, her expression a mix of shock and disbelief. "You're joking with the make-up right?"

"But you said I had to look my best!" Kelsey replied defensively, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Yes, I did say that," Tina admitted, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "But how was I supposed to know you were going swimming at the lake house? A light touch of makeup would have been perfectly fine for that kind of occasion. Heavy makeup was not the right choice at all! You really need to learn how to judge the occasion. Don't tell me you dressed up like a princess too."

Kelsey chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully. "I hope you're not picturing me showing up in a ball gown or something equally ridiculous!"

"Honestly, with you, I wouldn't put it past you!" Tina shot back, her laughter infectious.

Kelsey couldn't help but laugh along, the lightheartedness of their banter easing any embarrassment she had felt. "Okay, fine! Lesson learned. Next time, I'll opt for a more casual look, especially if swimming is involved."

Tina nodded, her smile softening. And just think—if you were dressed up like a princess, you might have scared him away!"

Kelsey giggled at the thought, picturing herself in a glamorous gown at the lake house. "Alright, no ball gowns for lake days. Got it!"

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