CHAPTER 24: new connections

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On Tuesday morning, Kelsey woke up with a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling inside her. Today was her first day at the Harrington Group, and she wanted to make a great impression. She quickly got ready, choosing a smart outfit that made her feel confident and professional. Just as she was finishing up, her mom, Ms. Prescott, called out from downstairs.

"I'm ready to drop you off, Kelsey! Are you all set?" 

"Coming, Mom!" Kelsey replied, grabbing her bag and heading out the door. The car ride was filled with encouraging words and reminders from her mom about how proud she was of her daughter.

When they arrived at the office, Kelsey took a deep breath, feeling a mix of anticipation and a hint of anxiety. After saying goodbye to her mom, she headed straight to the HR department to check in.

"Hi, Miss Prescott!" Ms. Barnes greeted her with a warm smile as she entered the office.

"Please, call me Kelsey," she replied, returning the smile, feeling a bit more at ease.

"Very well, Kelsey. Now, tell me, how is your schedule next week since campus is starting again?" Ms. Barnes asked, her tone friendly and professional.

"Actually, I'm off for two days this semester—Wednesdays and Fridays—so I can come to work without any issues," Kelsey explained, feeling relieved that her schedule allowed for this opportunity.

"That's great to hear!" Ms. Barnes said enthusiastically. "I'm going to take you around now to introduce you to everyone in the accounting department."

As they walked through the bustling office, Kelsey took in her surroundings—the sleek design, the focused employees, and the hum of productivity. Ms. Barnes led her to a small group of colleagues gathered around a large table. "This is Finn, Nina, Celeste, and Ria," she introduced. "Celeste is the head of the Accounting department, and Nina, Finn, and Ria are all accountants. You'll be working closely with them."

Just then, the door swung open, and Carmelita walked in. "And this is Miss Carmelita Harrington," Ms. Barnes added, gesturing toward her. "You met her during the interview."

Carmelita extended her hand warmly. "You can call me by my first name. I'm not so formal," she said with a smile. "We look like we could be close to the same age."

"Nice to meet you," Kelsey replied, feeling a sense of camaraderie with her.

"Likewise," Carmelita said, returning the sentiment with a genuine smile. 

Kelsey felt a rush of surprise when Ms. Barnes continued, "Carmelita was actually the one who insisted we choose you."

"Oh really?" Kelsey said, her eyes widening in surprise. "That's nice to know." The two shared a smile, a moment of connection that made Kelsey feel welcomed.

"I hope you enjoy it here," Carmelita said, her voice sincere. "I'll see you around." With that, she turned and headed back to her office, leaving Kelsey with a renewed sense of excitement.

Ms. Barnes then escorted Kelsey to her new workspace, a cozy desk nestled among her new colleagues. "This will be your seat," she said, gesturing to the organized desk adorned with a nameplate that read "Kelsey Prescott." "Feel free to ask any questions as you settle in. Everyone here is really friendly and willing to help."

Kelsey sat down, taking a moment to absorb her new environment. She glanced around, watching Finn and Nina engaged in a lively discussion about a project, while Ria focused intently on her computer screen. The energy in the office was vibrant, and Kelsey felt a thrill of anticipation for the journey ahead. 

As she began to organize her things, she couldn't help but smile, feeling a sense of belonging settle over her. Today was the start of a new chapter, and she was determined to make the most of it.

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