CHAPTER 3: Laughter Over Lunch

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Kelsey slammed her palm down on the table in front of Luke, the sound echoing through the bustling restaurant. "Stop sitting on your cellphone and make yourself useful!" she snapped, her voice cutting through the chatter of the lunch crowd. She thrust a damp cloth toward him, her eyes blazing with determination. "Here's a cloth—now clean the tables!"

Luke looked up from his phone, amusement dancing in his eyes.

"Oh, you've become my manager now?" he asked, a mocking lilt to his voice. He leaned back in his chair, arms crossed, clearly unwilling to take her seriously.

"You need to move your ass if you plan to take over your dad's company," Kelsey shot back, her tone unyielding. "This isn't a playground for rich kids; it's a business, and if you want to run it one day, you better start acting like it."

The atmosphere in the restaurant shifted, the chatter around them fading into a stunned silence. Kelsey's boldness caught everyone off guard; even the manager, who usually maintained a respectful distance from Luke, looked on with a mix of shock and admiration. No one dared to speak to the heir of Whimsy Burger like that—not even when he was slacking off. But Kelsey didn't care. In her eyes, he was just another employee, and she refused to give him special treatment simply because of his last name.

With her fists planted firmly on her hips, Kelsey felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins. It was exhilarating to confront him, to challenge the status quo that let someone like Luke glide effortlessly on his privilege.

Luke's expression shifted from amusement to annoyance as he finally pushed his phone aside. "You really think you can talk to me like that?" he replied, his tone darkening. There was a flicker of something in his eyes, a challenge that sparked the air between them, but Kelsey stood her ground.

"Why not? You're not special here, Luke. You're just another part-timer like the rest of us," she retorted, her heart racing. "If you want to be taken seriously, you need to earn it."

He opened his mouth to respond but paused, taking in her fierce determination. For a moment, the arrogance that usually masked his insecurities slipped away, revealing a hint of vulnerability. Kelsey noticed the way his jaw clenched, the way he fought to maintain his facade as the untouchable heir.

"Fine," he muttered at last, pushing back his chair and standing up. "I'll clean the tables. But don't think this means I'm taking your orders."

Kelsey smirked, feeling a surge of victory. "Just do your job" She watched as he grabbed the cloth from her hand, the tension between them crackling like static electricity.

As Luke moved toward the first table, Kelsey felt a strange mix of satisfaction and curiosity. She had always seen him as the spoiled rich kid, but there was something about his reluctance to comply that intrigued her.


Customers flowed in and out of the bustling restaurant, the sounds of laughter and sizzling grills creating a lively atmosphere. Luke leaned against the counter, trying to look nonchalant as he scrolled through his phone, but his attention was suddenly snagged when he spotted his three friends walking through the door.

"Hey, look who's cleaning tables now!" Matt called out, a teasing grin spreading across his face as he sauntered over. The other two, Kyle and Deon, followed closely behind, their expressions a mix of amusement and curiosity.

"Ordered by my wannabe boss," Luke replied, gesturing dramatically toward Kelsey, who was busy wiping down another table with a focused intensity. He rolled his eyes, clearly trying to downplay the embarrassment of being caught in such a menial task.

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