CHAPTER 10: Popcorn and Pals

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At Luke's place, the atmosphere was relaxed and lively as he hung out with his buddies. The walls echoed with laughter and the sounds of game commentary from the TV. The scent of pizza lingered in the air, creating the perfect backdrop for a casual day in.

"So, how's your progress with Kelsey?" Matt asked, leaning forward with interest, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Luke let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair in frustration. "Progress is very slow," he admitted, shaking his head. "I've dropped all these hints, but it doesn't seem like she catches on or even cares."

Matt raised an eyebrow, sensing the weight of Luke's disappointment. "Maybe you should just get straight to the point and tell her that you like her," he suggested, his tone earnest. "Sometimes you just have to lay it all out there."

Luke frowned, crossing his arms. "I get that, but I overheard she's never been kissed, so I offered to be her first kiss, hoping something might spark between us. But she just brushed it off as if I'm joking. It's like she doesn't take me seriously."

Kyle, who had been quietly listening, chimed in. "That's tough, man. It sounds like you're trying to be sincere, but she might not realize how serious you are about your feelings."

"Exactly!" Luke replied, frustration creeping into his voice. "I want her to know I'm not just messing around. I really like her, but every time I try to hint at it, she just laughs it off."

Matt thought for a moment, tapping his fingers on his knee. "Maybe it's time to change your approach. If she's not picking up on the hints, consider being more direct. You could ask her to hang out one-on-one—somewhere casual, like a coffee shop or a park. Then, when you're both comfortable, tell her how you feel."

Matt chuckled, adding a playful twist to the conversation. "Or just take the kiss from her!"

Luke considered this, his mind racing with possibilities. "That could work. If I can create a relaxed atmosphere, maybe she'll feel more at ease. I just want to make sure she knows I'm serious about my feelings."

Matt smiled, encouraged by Luke's shift in perspective. "And remember, it's okay to be vulnerable. If you show her that you care, she might open up too. It's a big step for her, and she might be just as nervous as you are."

"True," Luke replied, feeling a flicker of hope. "If I can just find the right moment to express myself, it might change everything."

"Exactly! You've got nothing to lose," Kyle said, raising his drink in support. "Just be yourself and let her see how much she means to you."

"But she kind of makes me nervous when I'm around her," Luke admitted, running a hand through his hair. He leaned back in his chair, his expression a mix of frustration and confusion. "I've never felt like this before."

Kyle raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Luke's honesty. "Nervous? Like, butterflies-in-your-stomach nervous or the-I-can't-speak nervous?"

Luke chuckled lightly, the tension easing a bit. "Definitely more like butterflies. It's weird! I can talk to anyone, but when I'm with Kelsey, I feel this rush of anxiety. I want to impress her and say the right things, but my mind goes blank and spill a lot of nonsense.  Or I end up teasing her which comes more naturally"

Matt nodded, understanding the feeling all too well. "That's totally normal, man. When you really like someone, it can throw you off your game. It's like your brain just short-circuits."

"Yeah, exactly!" Luke replied, feeling relieved that his friends understood. "I mean, when I'm with her, I get this rush of excitement, but then I start second-guessing myself. It's frustrating because I want to be cool and confident, but I end up overthinking everything."

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