CHAPTER 36: Plans and Possibilities

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Wednesday morning, Kelsey arrived at work with a bright smile on her face. "Good morning, everyone!" she greeted cheerfully. She immediately dove into her tasks, but her mind began to drift back to the magical night she had spent with Luke—the fireworks, the proposal, and how he had made her feel like the most special person in the world.

However, as the minutes ticked by, work felt a little dull without Carmelita around. She missed her friend's vibrant personality. The routine tasks felt mundane, and Kelsey found herself glancing at the clock more often than she cared to admit.

Just as she was contemplating how long it would be until her lunch break, she noticed Carmelita walking toward her, her face beaming with excitement. Kelsey instantly stood up from her seat and opened her arms for a warm hug. "Hey! I thought you were at school today!" she exclaimed, her heart lifting at the sight of Carmelita.

Carmelita smiled and hugged her tightly. "Classes ended early, so I decided to pop in at work," she said, her eyes sparkling with joy. "Congrats, Kelsey! I'm so happy for you and Luke!"

Kelsey felt her cheeks flush with happiness. "How did you know?" she asked, genuinely surprised.

Carmelita grinned mischievously. "I went with him to buy your ring," she revealed with excitement.

"Oh, that's so sweet!" Kelsey replied, her heart swelling with gratitude. "I can't believe you were part of it!"

"Let me see how it looks on your finger," Carmelita said eagerly, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. Kelsey proudly extended her hand, and as Carmelita examined the ring, her eyes widened in awe. "Wow, it fits you perfectly! It's beautiful!" she declared, her voice filled with admiration.

Kelsey couldn't help but smile as she admired the ring again, the diamond glistening in the light. "Thank you! I'm still in shock that it all happened," she admitted, the memories flooding back.

They both settled down at a nearby table to chat, the conversation flowing easily between them. "What are you doing this Friday?" Carmelita asked, leaning in with curiosity.

Kelsey thought for a moment, shaking her head slightly. "I haven't planned anything yet," she replied honestly.

"How about chilling at my house?" Carmelita suggested, her face lighting up with excitement. "We can have a night, watching some movies, and celebrate your engagement properly!"

"Sure, that would be nice!" Kelsey agreed, feeling a wave of happiness wash over her at the thought of spending quality time with her friend.

"Let's catch up lunchtime," Carmelita said with a smile as she stood up from the table, gathering her things and making her way toward the door. "Okay, sure," Kelsey replied, watching her friend leave with a sense of curiosity about their next conversation.

Just as Kelsey settled back into her chair, her phone buzzed with a message from Luke. "Hello my love, can I pick you up from work today?" he texted. A smile spread across her face as she typed back, "Sure!" feeling a flutter of excitement at the thought of seeing him.

Moments later, another notification popped up—this time from Tina. "So? How was your date last night?" she inquired, eager to hear all the details. Kelsey decided to respond in a way that would truly convey the significance of the evening. She quickly sent a picture of her stunning five-carat diamond ring, sparkling in the light.

Tina's reply came almost instantly. "What? He proposed?" she exclaimed.

"Yep," Kelsey typed back, her heart swelling with joy as she recalled the moment Luke had gotten down on one knee.

"I'm so happy for you! Congrats!" Tina responded, her enthusiasm contagious. Kelsey could almost picture her friend jumping up and down in delight.


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