CHAPTER 34: Lunch at Whimsy Burger

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As Kelsey and Luke stepped into Whimsy Burger, the vibrant decor and cheerful atmosphere buzzed with laughter and chatter, making it feel like a home away from home.

Almost immediately, they were greeted by a few familiar faces from their old workplace. Donna, with her warm smile, and Rose, always full of energy, rushed toward them. "Hi, guys! It's so great to see you!" Donna exclaimed, wrapping her arms around Kelsey and then Luke in a hearty hug.

Rose joined in, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Are you two back together? It's about time!" she teased, pulling back to look at them both.

"Can't you see how happy we are?" Luke replied, his playful tone matching the big grin on his face. He looked over at Kelsey, who felt her cheeks flush at the warmth of their friends' excitement.

Just then, Damian stepped forward, his expression genuine. "I missed you guys," he said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm really happy to see you two have sorted out your feelings. It was tough watching you both struggle."

Kelsey smiled, feeling a sense of comfort in the supportive atmosphere. "Thanks, Damian. It's been a journey, but we're really happy now," she said, glancing at Luke, who nodded in agreement.

"We're just going to grab some lunch here, then we'll be off again," Luke added. "We wanted to catch up a little before heading out."

"Great!" Rose replied, her eyes lighting up with joy. "You have to try the new burger special. It's amazing!

As they moved toward the counter, Kelsey felt a warm sense of belonging and couldn't help but appreciate the support system they had.

Once they placed their orders, Kelsey and Luke found a cozy little table tucked away in the corner of Whimsy Burger, the lively ambiance around them buzzing with energy.

As they settled into their seats, Luke reached across the table and gently took Kelsey's hand. "What time does your mom usually get home?" he asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Just after 3," Kelsey replied, her heart racing slightly at the intimacy of their touch.

"So we could still spend some quality time at your place before she gets home," he said with a smile spreading across his face that made Kelsey laugh.

Before she could respond, Rose arrived with their burgers, balancing the trays expertly as she set them down in front of Kelsey and Luke. "Here you go! The famous Whimsy Burgers, just for you two lovebirds," she said cheerfully, her eyes twinkling with delight.

"Thanks, Rose!" Kelsey said, beaming as she picked up her burger, the anticipation of that first bite making her stomach growl.

They dug into their meals, the flavours exploding in their mouths as they savoured each bite.

Kelsey glanced around, taking in the happy faces of their old colleagues, who were chatting animatedly at nearby tables. It was a comforting scene that reminded her of the bonds they all shared.

Once they finished eating, Kelsey and Luke stood up, ready to leave. They made their way around the restaurant, greeting their old friends one last time. "It was so great to see you all!" Kelsey said, her heart full.

"Don't be strangers!" Donna called out, waving goodbye with a bright smile.

As they stepped outside, the sun was shining down, casting a warm glow over everything. Kelsey turned to Luke. "So, what's next on our agenda?" she asked, a playful smile dancing on her lips.

"Let's go to your place," Luke suggested, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I can't wait to spend some quality time with you."

After that, they strolled hand in hand in the direction of the car as their laughing blended with the background sounds of the busy street.

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