CHAPTER 8: Ghosted and Grateful

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At home, Kelsey was buzzing with excitement as she prepared for her much-anticipated movie date with Mike. She had been looking forward to this moment, and the thought of finally spending time with him sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach.

After rummaging through her closet, Kelsey decided to wear the floral dress that her friends had suggested. It was light and breezy, perfect for a casual outing, and she loved how the vibrant colors made her feel cheerful. She slipped into the dress, admiring how it flowed around her legs. Next, she opted for a pair of comfortable sneakers that added a sporty touch, ensuring she could enjoy herself without worrying about sore feet. To complete the look, she grabbed her trusty denim jacket, knowing it would be perfect for the cool evening air.

As she put on the jacket, Kelsey glanced at the mirror, her heart racing with excitement. She rifled through her jewelry box, selecting a delicate silver necklace and a pair of simple stud earrings that complemented her outfit without overpowering it. She carefully layered the necklace around her neck, feeling a surge of confidence as she spun in front of the mirror to admire her reflection.

With everything in place, Kelsey felt ready for the night ahead. She grabbed her phone to check the time, her excitement bubbling over at the thought of finally going out with Mike. She thought about how they might share popcorn, laugh at the movie, and even steal a few glances at each other in the dim light of the theater.

But just as she was about to send Mike a quick message to confirm their plans, her phone buzzed with a notification. Kelsey's heart raced with anticipation, but it quickly plummeted as she read the text: "Hi Kelsey, I won't be able to make it. Sorry about that. Maybe next time."

The words felt like a punch to the gut, and her excitement evaporated in an instant. "No, no, no!" she muttered to herself, staring at the screen in disbelief. She had been so excited about this date, and now it felt as if everything had come crashing down.

Kelsey took a deep breath, trying to process the disappointment. She had envisioned this night for so long, and now all those plans felt like they were slipping away. "Maybe next time," she repeated softly, but the words felt empty. Would there really be a next time, or was this just an excuse?

With a heavy heart, she quickly typed out a response. "No problem, Mike. Hope everything is okay. Let me know when you're free again." After hitting send, she tossed her phone onto the bed, the excitement of the evening replaced with a sense of frustration and sadness.

Kelsey looked back at her reflection in the mirror, the vibrant floral dress now feeling out of place. She sighed, feeling as though her plans had unraveled. "What do I do now?" she asked herself, her mind racing with uncertainty.

After a moment of contemplation, she decided not to let this setback ruin her evening completely. She walked over to her closet and changed into a comfortable pair of leggings and an oversized sweater. While the dress had made her feel special, she figured a cozy outfit would be just as nice for a night in.

In search of something to lift her spirits, Kelsey headed to the kitchen and filled a bowl with her favorite snacks—popcorn, chocolate-covered pretzels, and a few gummy bears. She grabbed a soda from the fridge and made her way to the living room, setting everything up for an impromptu movie night.

As she settled onto the couch, she flipped through her collection of films, finally landing on a classic romantic comedy that always made her smile. As the familiar opening credits rolled, Kelsey felt herself begin to relax. She let the warmth of the blanket envelop her and took a sip of her soda, savoring the familiar comfort of her surroundings.

Just then, Kelsey's phone buzzed again, pulling her attention away from the movie. She glanced at the screen and saw a message from her friend Tina. "Are you on your way with Mike?" it read.

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